This programme involves the analysis and design of highly scalable software solutions. It addresses the theoretical and practical underpinnings behind current and emerging information and communication technologies. The programme offers you an opportunity to attain skills to manage an organization’s IS/IT strategies and ICT infrastructure. It also equips you with basic computing background knowledge to extend your skills and enhance your knowledge in the ICT arena and prepares you for careers in the design, development and management of high-quality information and communication technology solutions.
أنماط الدراسة:
- البرنامج بدوام كامل: Day-time classes, 2 days a week, 50% online
- البرنامج بدوام جزئي: Evening classes, 2 days a week, 50% online
- الصفوف في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع بنمط مدمج: الصفوف يوم الخميس والجمعة والسبت، 50% عبر الإنترنت