MEC announces the supportive measures and assessment approach for the Spring 2020 and Summer 2020 semesters, in the context of… متابعة قراءة MEC announces Assessment Approach and Supportive measures for Spring 2020 and Summer2020
التصنيف: الأخبار في كليه الشرق الاوسط
Live video lectures introduced after TRA’s decision to lift ban on such technologies.
Middle East College introduced live video lectures to further strengthen its online learning after the decision by the Telecommunications Regulatory… متابعة قراءة Live video lectures introduced after TRA’s decision to lift ban on such technologies.
Online learning introduced to continue study
Middle East College has decided to continue the learning process through technology-enabled virtual classrooms while also ensuring health and safety… متابعة قراءة Online learning introduced to continue study
Middle East College has been accredited by OAAA
Middle East College (MEC) has been institutionally accredited by OAAA Middle East College (MEC) has been granted full accreditation by… متابعة قراءة Middle East College has been accredited by OAAA
Joint Board of Moderators accredits MEC’s Civil Engineering programme
MEC’s B.Eng (Hons) Civil Engineering programme has been accredited by the Joint Board of Moderators (JBM), UK, comprising the Institution… متابعة قراءة Joint Board of Moderators accredits MEC’s Civil Engineering programme
Classes on campus suspended for a month to guard against COVID-19
Following the directives by the Supreme Committee in the Sultanate of Oman to guard against COVID-19, all classes on campus… متابعة قراءة Classes on campus suspended for a month to guard against COVID-19
MEC’s Runners finish the race on time!
Around 150 staff and students from Middle East College (MEC) participated in the 5 kilometres race that was part of the Al… متابعة قراءة MEC’s Runners finish the race on time!
MEC celebrates graduation of its batch of 2019 and boosts the job market with 1384 graduates
Middle East College (MEC) celebrated the graduation of its students from the 2019 batch, on 7th and 8th December 2019,… متابعة قراءة MEC celebrates graduation of its batch of 2019 and boosts the job market with 1384 graduates
4th MEC Student Research Conference commences
Middle East College (MEC) is organizing the 4th MEC Student Research Conference on Smart Technologies, Communication, Engineering, Archives and Management… متابعة قراءة 4th MEC Student Research Conference commences