Middle East College enjoys membership in the professional bodies listed below.
The British Computer Society(BCS)
The British Computer Society is a professional body and a learned society that represents those working in Information Technology both in the United Kingdom and internationally
المجلس الأوروبي لتعليم إدارة الأعمال
هي منظمة تعليمية دولية، مسجلة في بروكسل التي تدعم المؤسسات التعليمية الأكاديمية والمهنية في مجال إدارة الأعمال والمجالات ذات الصلة.
معهد تشارترد للمكتبة ومختصي المعلومات:
هي الهيئة المهنية الرائدة لأمناء المكتبات، والمتخصصين في المعلومات ومديري المعرفة في المملكة المتحدة.
المجلس الوطني للأرشيف
هو منظمة دولية تعزز التعاون الدولي للوثائق والأرشيفات، والأرشيفيون؛ تسعى لتبادل التجارب والأفكار لتطوير وتنظيم وتنسيق الممارسات الخاصة بالأرشيف
التعاون مع الشركات المهنية من خلال الجمعيات الطلابية
معهد مهندسي الكهرباء والإلكترونيات
The MEC IEEE Student Branch was started at the Middle East College in February 2015 with 12 IEEE student members and 3 IEEE professional members, after obtaining approval of the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (IEEE MGA) Board. This student branch acts as a forum to disseminate theoretical and practical knowledge related to all aspects of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Allied branches of Engineering, related Arts and Sciences, as well as for promoting professional development of the students. This is done through numerous co-curricular activities that are educational, technical, and professional in nature, and are conducted through special projects, activities, meetings, tours and field trips.
معهد المهندسين المدنيين (ICE)
The MEC Student Chapter of Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) was established at MEC in April 2019 under the Department of Civil Engineering. As per ICE, it aims to “foster and promote the art and science of Civil Engineering”. It acts as a qualifying body, a centre for the exchange of specialist knowledge, and a provider of resources, to encourage innovation and excellence in the profession.
الجمعية الأمريكية للمهندسين الميكانيكيين (ASME)
The MEC Student Chapter of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) was established at MEC in July 2018 under the Mechanical Engineering Department. As per ASME, “It is an international not-for-profit professional organization to help the global engineering community develop solutions to real world challenges that enable collaboration, knowledge sharing and skill development across all engineering disciplines, and promote the vital role of engineers in society”.
مؤسسة المهندسين الميكانيكيين (IMechE)
IMechE is an independent professional association and learned society headquartered in London, United Kingdom, that represents mechanical engineers and the engineering profession. With over 120,000 members in 140 countries, working across industries such as railways, automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, energy, biomedical and construction, the Institution is licensed by the Engineering Council to assess candidates for inclusion on its Register of Chartered Engineers, Incorporated Engineers and Engineering Technicians.