at MEC
Ruzive, Benson & Masengu, Reason. (2021). Application of Digital technologies in the 21 st Century. Literature Review of Experiences, Opportunities and Challenges in Higher Education. |
Sharma, N., & Udupi, P. K. (2022). Smart City Citizen Diabetes Predictions using Machine Learning. Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, 71(3s2), 1557-1563. |
Saqib, M., Najah, S., Naidu, V. R., Agarwal, A., & Jesrani, K. (2022). Smart and Intelligent Health Monitoring System. In Advances in Information Communication Technology and Computing (pp. 65-73). Springer, Singapore. |
Bashir, M. N., Iqbal, S., & Yusof, K. M. (2022). Case based Study: Computer Visualization of Engineering Problems and its Impact on Student Learning. iKSP Journal of Innovative Writings, 2(2), 01-06. |
Bashir, M. N., & Yusof, K. M. (2022). Opportunistic Cooperative Relaying Protocol for UAV-assisted Flying Adhoc Network. iKSP Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, 2(1), 20-26. |
Hussain, S. M., Yusof, K. M., Hussain, S. A., & Khan, A. B. (2022). An efficient interface selection scheme (dsrc/lte) of vehicles for data dissemination enabling v2v communication to support internet of vehicles (iov). In Soft Computing and Signal Processing (pp. 573-581). Springer, Singapore. |
Shuja, D., Rollakanti, C. R., Poloju, K. K., & Joe, A. (2022). An experimental investigation on-stabilization of sabkha soils with cement and Cement Kiln Dust (CKD) in Sultanate of Oman. Materials Today: Proceedings. |
Al Abri, S. A. S., Rollakanti, C. R., Poloju, K. K., & Joe, A. (2022). Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Concrete by partial replacement of Cement with Eggshell Powder for Sustainable Construction. Materials Today: Proceedings. |
Rollakanti, C. R., & Srinivasu, K. (2022). Effect of Microbially Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (MICP) method on the Enhancement of Infrastructure Durability and Sustainability–A state of the art review. Materials Today: Proceedings. |
Rollakanti, C. R., & Prasad, C. V. S. R. (2022). Applications, performance, challenges, and current progress of 3D concrete printing technologies as the future of sustainable construction–A state of the art review. Materials Today: Proceedings. |
Rollakanti, C. R., & Srinivasu, K. (2022). Self-healing Concrete Based on Bacteria for Sustainable Infrastructure: A State-of-the-Art Review. Recent Advances in Civil Engineering, 171-181. |
Rollakanti, C.R., Venkata Siva Rama Prasad, C., Joe, A. (2022). Digital Concrete for Sustainable Construction Industry: A State-of-the-Art Review. In: Kumar, P.G., Subramaniam, K.V.L., Santhakumar, S.M., Satyam D., N. (eds) Recent Advances in Civil Engineering. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 233. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-0189-8_16 |
Hussain, S. M., Yusof, K. M., Asuncion, R., Hussain, S. A., & Ahmad, A. (2022). An Integrated Approach of 4G LTE and DSRC (IEEE 802.11 p) for Internet of Vehicles (IoV) by Using a Novel Cluster-Based Efficient Radio Interface Selection Algorithm to Improve Vehicular Network (VN) Performance. Sustainable Advanced Computing, 569-583. |
Poloju, K. K., & Srinivasu, K. (2022). Influence of GGBS and concentration of sodium hydroxide on strength behavior of geopolymer mortar. Materials Today: Proceedings. |
Kumar, K., & Srinivasu, K. (2022). Influence of GGBS and Alkaline Ratio on Compression Strength of Geopolymer Concrete. ECS Transactions, 107(1), 8897. |
Elumalai, V., & Bino, D. (2022). Enhancing Student Engagement with Asynchronous Learning Activities in Flipped Classrooms in Fully online Learning Environments–A Case Study. In EDULEARN22 Proceedings (pp. 1631-1638). IATED. |
Saqib, M., Zarine, R., & Al Hadrami, G. (2022, February). Establishing a Cost-Effective Smart Mobility Deployment Framework (SMDF) and Association Mining. In 2022 Global Conference on Wireless and Optical Technologies (GCWOT) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. |
Dr Radhika, S.N Priya Mathew, Academic writing support during the pandemic and beyond MENAWCA 2021 - Imagine and Innovate: Navigating Uncertainty in Writing Centers Virtual Conference, Middle East North Africa. |
Reason Masengu Benson Ruzive, Customer perception on digital marketing adoption by Omni-Channel Retailers" "Conference on Recent Trends in Business, Technology, and Design (CRTBTD-2021)"Online, 7th-8th June 2021. |
Nasser Juma Said Al Harthi and Dr. Maria Teresa Matriano, Nasser Juma Said Al Harthi, Nasser Juma Said Al Harthi, Internal Influences on Consumer Behavior of Burgarooh Restaurant, 1st Business & Entrepreneurship International Conference, Muscat, Oman. 31st March - 1st April 2021. |
Dr. Prakash Kumar Udupi and Afrah Mohammed Khasib Al Maqbali, The impact of information technology on inventory management practices in Ali Shahani Group International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Science & Technology”-ICETCST 2021, India, Mangalore, India. 19th June 2021. |
Dr. Prakash Kumar Udupi and Ebtihal Saif Salim Said Al Nofli, Evaluating the implementation of smart cards check-in system for improving the efficiency of Mwasalat Bus Stations. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Science & Technology”-ICETCST 2021, India Mangalore, India, 19th June 2021. |
Dr. Prakash Kumar Udupi and Mayar Ahmed Abdullah Al Rumi, A critical evaluation of the impact of information technology on the warehouse operations at Al Madina Logistics company in Oman, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Science & Technology”-ICETCST 2021, India, Mangalore, India, 19th June 2021. |
Dr. Prakash Kumar Udupi and Raiyan Ali Khamis Al Amri, the impact of digital transformation to enhance business in the logistics sector of Oman Air, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Science & Technology”-ICETCST 2021, India, Mangalore, India. 19th June 2021. |
Dr. Prakash Kumar Udupi and Ashwaq Mahfoodh Hamed Al Rawahi, The role of Big Data in Education International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Science & Technology”-ICETCST 2021, India, Mangalore, India.19th June 2021. |
Dr. Blossom, Mohammed Nasser Sultan Rashid Al Amri, Issues, and challenges encountered by the fast-food service providers in Sultanate of Oman during Covid 19 pandemic3rd International Conference on Research in Business, Management and Finance (ICRBMF) Virtual presentation, Oxford, UK. 2-4th July 2021. |
Dr. Blossom, Ghada Moosa Mohammed Al balushi, The impact of leadership on employee performance and productivity during the Covid 19 pandemic. A case study of IT companies in Oman3rd International Conference on Research in Business, Management and Finance (ICRBMF)Virtual presentation, Oxford, UK. 2-4th July 2021. |
Dr. Blossom, Abdullah Sultan Ahmed Al Sulti, the importance of emotional intelligence in improving employee satisfaction in PDO company, 3rd International Conference on Research in Business, Management and Finance (ICRBMF), Virtual presentation, Oxford, UK. 2-4th July 2021. |
Dr. Blossom & Anood Said Mubarak Al Bahlooli, Issues and challenges encountered by SMEs in Sultanate of Oman during Covid 19 pandemic3rd International Conference on Research in Business, Management and Finance (ICRBMF), Virtual presentation, Oxford, UK. 2-4th July 2021. |
Dr. Blossom, Maathir Mustafa Abdulredha Al Ajmi, Role of employee engagement in success of Bank Sohar3rd International Conference on Research in Business, Management and Finance (ICRBMF)Virtual presentation, Oxford, UK2-4th July, 2021 |
Shaik Mazhar Hussain, Prof. Afaq Ahmad, Dr. Sayyid Samir Al-Busaidi, Dr. Medhat Awadalla, Sultan Qaboos University, Designing of CRC Polynomials for 5G-NRInternational Hazar Scientific Research Conference-II Baku, Azerbaijan, Khazar University, April 10-12, 2021Azerbaijan, Khazar University, April 10-12, 2021 |
Dr. Shaik Asif Hussain, Ms. Ahlam Al Balushi, Blockchain Technology for Electronic Health Record (EHR) Management and Monitoring in Hospitals - an Insightful Perspective, HIMS'21 - The 7th Int'l Conf on Health Informatics and Medical Systems, Las Vegas, USA. July 26-29, 2021 |
Dr. Shaik Asif Hussain, Raza Hasan, Dr. Javeed Hussain, Mr. Salman Mahmood Raza Hasan, Dr. Javeed Hussain, Mr. Salman Mahmood, Global College of Engineering and Technology, Malaysia university of science and technology, Low-cost Voice Based Braille Script Communication for Teaching Aid Journal of communicationsScopusQ3- SJR 0.19 |
Bushra Al Kalbani, Dr. Rajani Rani Gupta, Yusra Al Habsi, Aisha Saif Ali Al Harrasi, Implications of advancements in technology in teaching and learning mathematics at HEISTUCONF2021, 5th MEC Student Conference: Inspiration in Education during Covid19, Science and Technology for Good), Ist June 2021, Muscat |
Ajitha Sajan, Dr. Vidhya Lavanya, Naahmad Mazen Qasseem Al Zoubi, Smart Waste Management System, 5th MEC Student Conference: Inspiration in Education during Covid19, Science and Technology for Good), Ist June 2021, Muscat |
Ajitha Sajan, Dr. Vidhya Lavanya, Hamed Ali Abdullah Al Musalhi , Horseback Riding Simulator, 5th MEC Student Conference: Inspiration in Education during Covid19, Science and Technology for Good), Ist June 2021, Muscat. |
Ajitha Sajan, Sabrina Adnan Rashid Al Musallami, Solar Powered Smart Vacuum Cleaner, 5th MEC Student Conference: Inspiration in Education during Covid19, Science and Technology for Good), Ist June 2021, Muscat. |
Muhammad Nauman Bashir Sameera Iqbal, Kamaludin Mohamad Yusof, Higher College of Technology, UAE, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia, Development of Innovation and Digital Fluency in the HEI Curriculum as an IR4.0 Enabler Industrial Revolution Four IR4 Virtual Conference University of Technology and Applied Sciences Ibra. |
Madhav Prabhu, S. Seema Verma, Comprehensive Survey on Implementation of Image Processing Algorithms using FPGA 5th IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE) Jaipur, India. 1-3 Dec. 2020 |
Dr. Vidhya Lavanya, Fathi Salim Said Al Ghafri, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Jammer, 5th International Conference on Inventive communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT 2021), Namakkal, India. 25-26th June 2021. |
Anjum Zameer Bhat, Lakshmi Kamesh wari, Math Cloud IEEE Conference India, 2021. |
Muna Said Nasser Al Rubaiai, Dr. C Jayakumari, Comparative Analysis of log Comparative analysis of logistic regression algorithm K means clustering Algorithm and Hierarchical clustering Algorithms for classification of Diabetes, International conference on emerging trends in computer science & technology, India18.06.2021 & 19.06.2021. |
Ayah Jad Allah Rajeh Jad Allah, Dr. C Jayakumari, Machine Learning Algorithm for House Price Prediction International conference on emerging trends in computer science & technology, IndiaIndia18.06.2021 & 19.06.2021. |
Maria Teresa Matriano, Layth Al Ghrairee, The Role of Strategic Planning in Construction Companies in Oman International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Studies (ICEBS - 2020) Muscat, Oman. |
Shyamala Srinivas, Vikas Rao, Mahmood Al Raisi & Dr. Vishal Dattana, Mahmood Al Raisi', Evaluation of Hypermedia tools in terms of Usability Heuristics for English Language Teaching2nd MEC TESOL 2020 Muscat, Oman, 28th Oct 2020, Arab World English Journal. |
Abdul Hadi Bhatti, Methods for Solving DEs using Curves, ICOQSIA 2020 (The 6th International Conference on Quantitative Sciences and its Applications). Malaysia. October (13-14th), 2020. |
Toka Haroun, Vikas Rao Naidu, Raza Hasan, Toka Haroun, Role of 3D Narrative Game Experience during Pandemic and Social Isolation, 3rd Student National Symposium SNSIR 4.0, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Muscat (HCT), 26-27th May 2021. |
Nethra Vaidhyanathan, Vikas Rao Naidu, Khalid Khalifa Juma Al Ismaily, For Interactive E-learning Framework during online mode of Education for special need students: A Review, 3rd Student National Symposium SNSIR 4.0, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Muscat (HCT), 26-27th May 2021. |
Huda Al Mandhari, Vikas Rao Naidu, Aparna Agarwal, Karan Jesrani, An Innovative Approach for the Fashion Business in the Sultanate of Oman through E-Commerce during COVID-19 Pandemic, 3rd Student National Symposium SNSIR 4.0, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Muscat (HCT), 26-27th May 2021. |
Wray Nathan Maglalang , Andres Lilibeth Reales, Enhancement of Business Intelligence Systems: A Reflection, 3rd Student National Symposium SNSIR 4.0, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Muscat (HCT), 26-27th May 2021. |
Kiran Kumar Poloju, Meryhan Moustafa , Refaat Ahmed Moustafa, Biogas Production from Sanitary fills in Oman, International Conference on Sustainable Environment & Civil Engineering (ICSECE’21)India, April 9th & 10th 2021. |
Kiran Kumar Poloju, Kota Srinivasu, Acharya Nagarjuna University, India, Effects of fly ash and molarity ratios on the characteristics of Geopolymer Concrete under different curing regimes, International Conference on Sustainable Environment & Civil Engineering (ICSECE’21) India April 9th & 10th 2021. |
Dr. Jayakumari, Dr. Vidhya Lavanya R, Dr. Sumesh, Automated Diabetic retinopathy detection and classification using Imagnet convolutional neural network using fundus images, international conference on Smart electronics (ICOSEC 2020) India. 10-12 Sept. 2020. |
Kiran Kumar Poloju, Kota Srinivasu Acharya, Effect of Alkaline Activator and Molar Concentration on Strength Properties of Geopolymer Concrete1st International Virtual Conference on Innovations in Concrete and Construction organized by Sona College of Technology, India. 25th & 26th June 2021. |
Kiran Kumar Poloju, Vikas Rao Naidu, Chiranjeevi Rahul, Ram Kishore Manchiryal and A. Shalini, Using Free and Open-source data collection tools for Enhanced Feedback Mechanism, Ist International Virtual Conference on Innovations in Concrete and Construction organized by Sona College of Technology, India. 25th & 26th June 2021. |
Dr.Reena, Dr.Balasudarsun, Oman Logistical Challenges Faced by Oman Air in Handling Passenger Luggage Global supply chain management conference, Tuledo, December 5th 2020. |
Siham Farrag, Youssef El-Hansali, Ansar Yasar, Haroon Malik, Elhadi Shakshuki, Khalid Al-Abri, Assessment of the Traffic Enforcement Strategies Impact on Emission Reduction and Air Quality, The 12th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT) Warsaw, Poland, March 23-26, 2021. |
Dr. Shaik Asif Hussain, Shaik Mazhar Hussain, Ajay Vikram Singh, Ajay Rana, Abdul Hakeem Khalifa Saleh Al Saidi, Smart Water Meter using Power Line Communication (PLC) Approach for measurements of Accurate Water Consumption and Billing Process, 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO) Noida, India 15 September 2020. |
Dr. Vidhya Lavanya, Dr. Sumesh, Dr. Jayakumari, Dr. Roshini Isaac, Detection and Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy using Raspberry Pi4th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA-2020), India. 05-7 November 2020, IEEE Explore. |
Vikas Rao Naidu, Aparna Agarwal, Dr. Rajani Rani Gupta, Assessing Students of Special Needs in Asynchronous Learning Mode using Artificial Intelligence, The 28th International Conference of Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Chennai, India 23-27 November 2020. |
Kiran Kumar Poloju, Nanayusra Nasser Zeina, Baba Yazid Mallakal Masruri, Heyam Al Amri, Rasha Araby, Impact of Molarity on compressive strength of Geopolymer concrete, 5th MEC Student Conference Inspiring Student Research in Science and Technology during COVID-19, Muscat, Oman. |
Kiran Kumar Poloju, Kota Srinivasu, G. Mallikarjuna Rao, K Sandhya Acharya, Study on strength properties of composite cement, international conference on recent developments in sustainable infrastructure: Research & practices, India. |
Mohammed Abushammala, Wajeeha A. Qazi, Mohammed Fahad Abdul Latif, MECNA Quality of Ablution Greywater in Oman and Its Treatment using a Sustainable System, 6th International Conference on Water and Society, Water and Society 2021. |
Dr. Omar AL Obaidi, Mahmoud Dawood, Salahuddin, Iraq, Mahmood M. S. Al Wahaibi, Performance of Carbon Fiber Concrete Subject to Fire, 2020 Second International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing, (ICRAMM 2020), Australia. |
Hussin Yahia Osama Salim Al Adawi, Causes of Costs Overrun in Roads Construction Projects In Oman, 10th National Symposium on Engineering Final Year Projects University of Nizwa. 15th December 2020. |
Hussin Yahia Majid Salim Khalfan Al Ghamari, Implementation of Value Engineering for Successful Project Completion with Cost, Time and Quality, 10th National Symposium on Engineering Final Year Projects University of Nizwa. 15th December 2020. |
Chrianjeevi Rahul, Kiran Kumar Poloju, Ram Kishore, Ali Maher Abdul Sattar Abo Khomrah, An Experimental study on properties of concrete by partial replacement of cement with Kiln Dust and fine Aggregate with Dune sand, International Conference on Recent Advancements on Civil Engineering, Construction Techniques and Materials, Jodhpur Institute of Engineering and Technology, India, July 20-21. |
- Bushra Al Kalbani, Vikas Rao Naidu, Rajani Rani Gupta, Azahir Said Rashid Al Sawafi, 2019. Enhancing Student Learning In Mathematics Classes By Means Of Online Collaborative Tools, Adved 2019 5th International Conference Advances in Education and Social Sciences, Istanbul.
- Anilloy frank, Rolito Asuncion, Mevina Frank, 2019. Smart Optimization of Energy Consumption using IoT, 2019 2nd IEEE Middle East and North Africa Communications Conference (MENACOMM), IEEE.
- Ajitha Sukumaran, Arun, 2019. A brief review of conventional and deep learning approaches in facial emotion recognition. International virtual conference on Artificial intelligence for IoT (ALLOT-2019), VIT University, India, IEEE.
- Mohammed Abushammala, 2019. Implementing Online Peer-Assisted Learning for Teaching Case Study Coursework, 18th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training Magdeburg, Germany on 26th – 27th September 2019.
- Nizar Albassam, Oday Jerew, Ammar, 2020, April. High Efficiency Scheme for Permutation Index DCSK scheme for communication system, MWSCAS 2020: 63rd IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, IEEE.
- Jitendra Pandey, 2020, June. Future Networks 2030: Challenges in Intelligent Transportation Systems. IEEE 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RELIABILITY, INFOCOM TECHNOLOGIES AND OPTIMIZATION (ICRITO'2020) (TRENDS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS), IEEE.
- Jitendra Pandey, 2020, June. Academic Performance Analysis Framework for Higher Education by Applying Data Mining Techniques, IEEE 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RELIABILITY, INFOCOM TECHNOLOGIES AND OPTIMIZATION (ICRITO'2020) (TRENDS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS), IEEE.
- Vikas Rao Naidu, Arti Sharma, 2020, March. A Study on Emerging Trends to Enhance Learning Experience In Higher Education Institutions, 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, Pages: 7391-7396.
- Vikas Rao Naidu, 2020, June. Role of Augmented Reality based E-Learning Application in Enhancing Teaching and Learning Experience in Education Sectors, 2nd Student National Symposium IR 4.0, Higher College of Technology, Muscat.
- Vikas Rao Naidu, 2020, April. Impact of E-tools in Teaching and Learning for Undergraduate Students, Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering / Proceedings of the 8th ICIECE 2019, Springer, Singapore
- Vikas Rao Naidu, 2020, February. Technology-Assisted Student-Centered Learning for Civil Engineering Students, A part of Book Chapter: Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility—Volume 2, Springer, Cham
- Raza Hasan, 2020, April. A Review: Emerging Trends of Big Data in Higher Educational Institutions, Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering / Proceedings of 3rd ICMETE 2019, Springer, Singapore
- Nizar Albassam, Shaik Asif Hussain, Jibril Khan, 2020, April. IoT based Autonomous Fire Suppression System for Vehicles, 2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering, IEEE.
- Jitendra Pandey, Dr. Herald Noronha, B Al-Bahri, 2020, June. Evaluate the role of big data in enhancing strategic decision making for E-governance in E-Oman portal, IEEE 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RELIABILITY, INFOCOM TECHNOLOGIES AND OPTIMIZATION (ICRITO'2020) (TRENDS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS), and IEEE.
- Syed Imran Ali Kazmi, Jitendra Pandey, Asma Ali Hassan AL. Balushi, 2020, June. The Intelligent control of Street light system in Oman through Internet of Things Technology, IEEE 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RELIABILITY, INFOCOM TECHNOLOGIES AND OPTIMIZATION (ICRITO'2020) (TRENDS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS), IEEE.
- Jitendra Pandey, Alla Khamis,Duaa Mohammed,Aya Yahya, 2020, June. A Proposed Model based on Modern Requirements to Optimize Hostel Resources in Oman, IEEE 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RELIABILITY, INFOCOM TECHNOLOGIES AND OPTIMIZATION (ICRITO'2020) (TRENDS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS), IEEE.
- Jitendra Pandey, Jamila Bakhit Marhoon Al Yaaqubi,2020, June. Framework To Prevent Carbon Footprint In The Campus And Analysis Of Preventive Measures To Reduce The Emission, 2nd Student National Symposium IR 4.0, Higher College of Technology, Muscat.
- Jitendra Pandey, Maroa Abdullah Said Al Zidi, Shahed Yaqoob Juma Al Raisi, 2020, June. Self- Checkout Smart Cards For Smart Shopping, 2nd Student National Symposium IR 4.0, Higher College of Technology, Muscat.
- Jitendra Pandey, Maha Khalid Ali Al Badaai, June, 2020. Framework Of Voice And Gesture Based Solution For Blind Using AI And IoT, 2nd Student National Symposium IR 4.0, Higher College of Technology, Muscat.
- Herald Noronha, SHAHD RASHID SAIF AL MAAWALI, March, 2020. SMART CAMPUS SECURITY SYSTEM FOR HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTES USING IOT DEVICES, INTED2020; 14th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference
- Vikas Rao Naidu, Raza Hassan, Miad Al Amri,LAMIYA YOUSUF HAMDAN AL SARMI, 2020, March. Importance of Smart Channel for National Statistics and Information for Educational Use in the Context of Sultanate of Oman, 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, Pages: 8802-8807.
- Vikas Rao Naidu, Suad Al Qassabi, Zahra Al Rawahi, 2020, June. Human Computer Interaction Considerations in Design of Mobile Application for National Statistics and Information (NCSI, Oman) for Educational purpose, 2nd Student National Symposium IR 4.0, Higher College of Technology, Muscat
- Vikas Rao Naidu, Sara Al Tuwaiya, Uroosa Fatima, 2020, June. Digital Transformations in Banking sectors for School Students in the Sultanate of Oman, 2nd Student National Symposium IR 4.0, Higher College of Technology, Muscat.
- Vikas Rao Naidu, Zahra Al Harthi, Ahmed Al Muqaddam, 2020, June. Importance of Smart Applications highlighting Natural Reserves and Unexplored Destinations to Promote Oman Tourism – Post COVID19 Strategies, 2nd Student National Symposium IR 4.0, Higher College of Technology, Muscat.
- Vikas Rao Naidu, Mahmood Al Raisi, Hanin Mohammed, 2020, June. Smart Technologies to improve Student Engagement in Campus, 2nd Student National Symposium IR 4.0, Higher College of Technology, Muscat
- Rizki Pratomo, Zahra Gulead Ishaq, 2020, July. IMPACT OF CULTURAL DIVERSITY ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE IN OOREDOO OMAN, MEC 4th Student Conference, Muscat.
- Siham Farrag, Moulay Youssef El-Hansali a, Ansar Yasar a, Elhadi Shakshuki, 2020, August. Simulation-based Evaluation of Using Variable Speed Limit in, 15th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications (FNC-2020), Leuven, Belgium
- Dr. Ram Kishore Manchiryal, Reethu Bussa, 2020. Application of Advanced Technologies in Construction Project Management using Drones, Recent Advancement on Civil Engineering, Construction techniques and Materials (RACECTAM 2020), Jodhpur, India.
- Dr. Asadullah, Mahmood Rashid, 2020. Customer Promise Equipment Management System in Oman Tel Company: A Review, The Fifth North American IEOM Society International Conference, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
- Dr. Blossom Christina, FATMA SALEH HILAL 'AMUR AL SAWA'I, 2020. IT's role in reshaping work culture& organizational behavior - Remote Working as a case in point. (A case study about "Maktabi" project of the PDO Company), The IJBM, India
- Dr. Blossom Christina, INTEDHAR KHALIFA SULAIMAN AL BIMANI, 2020. The Transition of Studying from Traditional Class to Distance Study During Covid-19 in Middle East College, MEC Teaching and Learning Call for Covid 19 research papers, Muscat, Oman
- Blossom Christina, SAMI KHALFAN HAMED AL MAHRAMI, 2020. An Exploratory Study on electronic vehicle maintenance monitoring system for evaluating consumer vehicle maintenance information in Oman, IJBM, India.
- Dr. Herald Noronha, Jitendra Pandey, SALAM KHALFAN SALAM AL YAARUBI, 2020, Implementing Business Intelligence to Solve the Problem of Job Seekers in the Sultanate of Oman, MEC Teaching and Learning Call for Covid 19 research papers, Muscat, Oman
- Kiran Kumar Poloju, Mr. Chiranjeevi Rahul, Dr. Ram Kishore, 2020. A STUDY ON EFFECT OF ALKALINE ACTIVATOR ON STRENGTH PROPERTIES OF GEOPOLYMER CONCRETE, International E- conference on Recent Advancement on Civil Engineering, Construction Techniques and materials (Racectam-2020) , Jodhpur, India.
- Kiran Kumar Poloju, Prof. Kota. Srinivasu, 2020. INFLUENCE OF ECO-FRIENDLY MATERIALS ON STRENGTH OF CONCRETE, International Virtual Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Energy and Environment (ICTEE-2020), Chennai, India.
- Ms. Lakshmi Kameswari, Mr. Anjum, 2020. Math Cloud: a discrete cloud implementation to enhance learning experience in mathematics, IEEE 5th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation (ICCCA).
- C.Jayakumari, Vidya Lavanya, Dr. Sumesh, 2020. Automated Diabetic Retinopathy Detection and classification using ImageNet Convolution Neural Network using Fundus Images
- Dhanalakshmi V, Dr. Jayakumari, Dr. Mounir, 2020. Comparative Analysis on the effective of approaches adopted on various teaching and learning pedagogies during emergency response teaching in COVID 19 situation – A case study on Software programmes at MEC, Oman.
Dattana, V., Gupta, K. and Kush, A., 2019, January. A Probability based Model for Big Data Security in Smart City. In 2019 4th MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. |
Dattana, V., Kumar, A., Kush, A. and Kazmi, S.I.A., 2019, January. Manet for Stable Data flow in Smart home and smart city. In 2019 4th MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. |
Al Harthy, K. and Al Harthy, K., 2019, January. Investigates Review of Leadership challenges in a Smart environment. In 2019 4th MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. |
Al Harthy, K., Al Shuhaimi, F. and Al Ismaily, K.K.J., 2019, January. The upcoming Block chain adoption in Higher-education: requirements and process. In 2019 4th MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. |
Pandey, J. and Job, M.A., 2019, January. Proposed framework for Spam recognition in big data for Social Media Networks in smart environment. In 2019 4th MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. |
Masoud, A.R., Al Mamari, H., Kazmi, S.I.A., Pandey, J. and Al Hinai, S., 2019, January. IoT based Smart Parking and Traffic Management System for Middle East College. In 2019 4th MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. |
James, V. and Venugopal, D., 2019, January. Smart Solution to manage computer files and compose text documents using Hidden Markov Model’s Algorithm and Code Excited Linear Prediction Algorithm for Physically Challenged User. In 2019 4th MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. |
Al-Maawali, Z.A. and Noronha, H., 2019, January. Big data acquisition, preprocessing and analysis to Develop and Implement Effective Database System with High Security Standards. In 2019 4th MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. |
Al Balushi, A.G. and Noronha, H., 2019, January. Evolvement of Big Data Challenges in Computational Intelligence and Soft computing. In 2019 4th MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. |
Hasan, R., Ghufran, M., Javed, S.S., Azeem, A. and Jamil, D., 2019, January. SMART Virtual Dental Learning Environment. In 2019 4th MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. |
Mahmood, S., Palaniappan, S., Hasan, R., Sarker, K.U., Abass, A. and Rajegowda, P.M., 2019, January. Raspberry PI and role of IoT in Education. In 2019 4th MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. |
Al-Nadabi, S.S. and Jayakumari, C., 2019, January. Predict the selection of mathematics subject for 11 th grade students using Data Mining technique. In 2019 4th MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. |
Sarker, K.U., Deraman, A.B., Hasan, R., Mahmood, S., Abbas, A. and Sohail, M., 2019, January. Kids’ Smart Campus Ontology to Retrieve Interest. In 2019 4th MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. |
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Hayat, M.S., Kazmi, S.I.A., Hasan, R. and Bhatti, A.H., 2016, March. An architecture of future wireless network for smart cities by improving 4G LTE wireless network. In 2016 3rd MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. |
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Hasan, R., Bhatti, A.H., Hayat, M.S., Gebreyohannes, H.M., Ali, S.I. and Syed, A.J., 2016, March. Smart peer car pooling system. In 2016 3rd MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. |
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Dhanalakshmi, V., Bino, D. and Saravanan, A.M., 2016, March. Opinion mining from student feedback data using supervised learning algorithms. In 2016 3rd MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. |
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Ganesan, M. and Sumesh, E.P., 2016, March. Evaluating the force of contraction of heart using ballistocardiogram. In 2016 3rd MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. |
Al Bassam, N., Bashir, M. and Sumesh, E.P., 2016, March. An efficient DCSK: A real time simulation for future chaotic communications. In 2016 3rd MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. |
Al Bassam, N. and Jerew, O.D., 2016, March. Energy aware and delay-tolerant data gathering in sensor networks with a mobile sink. In 2016 3rd MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. |
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Hussain, S.A., Ramaiah, C.S., Prasad, M.G. and Hussain, S.M., 2016, March. Milk products monitoring system with arm processor for early detection of microbial activity. In 2016 3rd MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. |
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Abushammala, M.F., Qazi, W.A., Azam, M.H., Mehmood, U.A., Al-Mufragi, G.A. and Alrawahi, N.A., 2016, March. Generation of electricity from biogas in Oman. In 2016 3rd MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-3). IEEE. |
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Samatha Ravu, Trend Analysis on State of ICT Development in Oman: An Exploratory Study, MECIT International Conference on Applied ICT, ISBN_ISN: 978-93-5107-285-0, March 2016. |
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Chandrasekar, R. and Jijin, C.T., 2015, May. An Integrated Self Balancing and Obstacle Avoiding Robotic System. In: 2nd Middle East College Student Conference. Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. |
Chandrasekar, R. and Mohammed, Q. I., 2015, May. Intelligent System for Tracking Accident using GPS, GSM with Smart Traffic Light and Monitoring Patient System. In: 2nd Middle East College Student Conference. Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. |
Chandrashekar, R. and Rolito, A., 2015. Graphical User Interface (GUI) Calculator for Engineering Modules: A Quantitative Approach. In: the 2nd International Conference of Educational Technology (ICOET2015), Oman. |
Elizabeth, R and Asma, A.S. H., 2015, May. Online Handwritten Signature Identification/Verification, In: 2nd Middle East College Student Conference. Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. |
Elizabeth, R and Iman, A.Z, 2015, May. Design and Development of Obstacle Detection System for the Visually Impaired. In: 2nd Middle East College Student Conference, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. |
Elizabeth, R and Noor,K.S., 2015, May. Design and Simulation of Wearable Antenna for Telemedicine Applications. In: 2nd Middle East College Student Conference, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. |
Elizabeth, R., Samira, H., Thuraiya, R and Khalid, H., 2015, May. Survey of Antennas for Medical Imaging. In: 2nd Middle East College Student Conference, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. |
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Elizabeth, R., 2014, April. Design of reconfigurable antenna for cognitive Radio Applications. 2nd International Conference on Applied Information and Communications Technology, Sultanate of Oman. |
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