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AL-Masharfi, M. H. R., & Matriano, M. T. (2022). The Role of Electronic Accounting Information System in Measuring Credit Risk in National Bank of Oman. GSJ, 10(1). |
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Kuckian, Sachin & Joe, Mr & Anil, Vineetha. (2022). Utilization of ED Puzzle: An interactive tool in teaching practices. International Journal of Special Education. 37. 2022-1633. |
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Al Harrasi, N., Hakro, A. N., Srinivasan, V., Matriano, M. T., & Jabri, M. A. (2021). Social Media Impact on Young Entrepreneurs in Oman. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 20(3). |
Koliński, Adam and Boguslaw Sliwczynski. “Evaluation Problem and Assessment Method of Warehouse Process Efficiency.” Business Logistics in Modern Management 15 (2015): 175-188. |
Matriano, M. T. (2022). Global Challenges for Business and Entrepreneurship: Case of Oman. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 9(1). |
AL-Masharfi, M. H. R., & Matriano, M. T. (2022). The Role of Electronic Accounting Information System in Measuring Credit Risk in National Bank of Oman. GSJ, 10(1). |
Khalil, M. K., & Muneenam, U. (2021). Total Quality Management Practices and Corporate Green Performance: Does Organizational Culture Matter?. Sustainability, 13(19), 11021. |
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Hussain, S. M., Yusof, K. M., Hussain, S. A., Asuncion, R., & Ghouse, S. (2021). Integration of 4G LTE and DSRC (IEEE 802.11 p) for Enhancing Vehicular Network Performance in IoV Using Optimal Cluster-Based Data Forwarding (OCDF) Protocol. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 15(14). |
Al Bassam, N., & Al-Jerew, O. (2021). Design and implementation of enhanced permutation index differential chaos shift keying system. Physical Communication, 46, 101312. |
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Masengu, R., Prinsloo, J. J., & Pelser, T. (2021). Critical success factors in e-marketing adoption and implementation among the fast-moving consumer goods retailers in Zimbabwe. Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 26(2), 159-177. |
Masengu, R., Raouyashadi, W. A., Makudza, F., & Muchenje, C. (2022). Unpacking the Effect of Social Media Infodemic on Consumers’ Panic Banking Behaviour during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Evidence from the Banking Sector in Oman. European Journal of Business and Management Research, 7(3), 84-90. |
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Hussain, S. A., Babu, J. C., Hasan, R., & Mahmood, S. (2022). A hybrid soft bit flipping decoder algorithm for effective signal transmission and reception. TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 20(3), 510-518. |
Al Aufi, A., Naidu, V. R., Jesrani, K., & Poloju, K. K. (2022). A STUDY OF IMPLEMENTING SMART EDUCATION TO PROMOTE ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE HEI CONTEXT IN OMAN. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6025-6031. |
Poloju, K. K., Naidu, V. R., Rollakanti, C. R., Manchiryal, R. K., & Joe, A. (2022). NEW METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION USING THE KOBO TOOLBOX. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 1527-1535. |
Poloju, K. K., & Srinivasu, K. (2022). Physical and Mechanical Properties of Calcinated Materials under Various Curing Conditions. Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, 71(3s), 1443-1458. |
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Al Habsi, F. A. S. H., & Ullah, A. (2022). The Role of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Achieving the Optimal Economic and Social Benefits Through the Port Sector. International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, 8(5), 57-65. |
Al Balushi, B. A. M., Muscat, O., & Matriano, M. T. (2022). Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Profitability of Bank Dhofar in Oman. GSJ, 10(6). |
Matriano, Maria Teresa. (2022). Cost Accounting System and Its Impact on Service Pricing in Vodafone Oman. |
Al Omairi, R. K. K., & Matriano, M. T. (2022). The Capital Structure of Securado Company and its Impact on Profitability. GSJ, 10(6). |
Said, Amna & Balushi, Mahmood & Matriano, Maria Teresa. (2022). The Impact of Accounting Information on the Managerial Decision Making Process: Case of Oman Integrated Logistics Services Company, SAOG. |
Ali, Manar & Masoud, Subait & Brkhati, Al & Matriano, Maria Teresa. (2022). Determining the Effects of Value-Added Tax to Online Retail Sale of Foodstuffs in Akeed Company, Oman. |
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Gaur, H., Dakssa, L., Dawood, M., & Samaiya, N. K. (2021). A novel stress-based formulation of finite element analysis. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 22(6), 481-491. |
Matriano, M. T. (2021). Innovative Environment Within Organization’s Structure-Case of Oman. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 8(7). |
Matriano, M. T. (2022). Global Challenges for Business and Entrepreneurship: Case of Oman. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 9(1), 419–425. https://doi.org/10.14738/assrj.91.11660. |
Matriano, M. T. (2021). Strategic Approach to Innovation Management and Strategic Changes to Improve Innovation Management. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 8(7), 323–329. https://doi.org/10.14738/assrj.87.10518. |
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Gaur, H., Dakssa, L., Dawood, M., & Samaiya, N. K. (2021). A novel stress-based formulation of finite element analysis. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 22(6), 481-491. |
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Shaik Asif Hussain, Sana Al Ghawi, Budoor Al Rawahi, Shaik Javeed Hussain, 2019. Design and Implementation of Indoor environment Monitoring and controlling system, International Journal of Advanced science, and Technology, 29(3), PP-8-14. |
Shaik Mazhar Hussain, Madhava Prabhu, Rolito Vallangca Asuncion, 2020. Evaluation of Handover Latency in Next Generation Wireless Technologies, Journal of Critical Reviews (JCR), 7(14), PP-742-749. |
Ahmed Nawaz Hakro, Mathew, P, 2020. Coaching and mentoring in higher education institutions: a case study in Oman, International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, EMERALD INSIGHT 9(2). |
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Mohammed Abushammala, Alia Khalfan Hamdoon Al-Rahbi, Wajeeha A. Qazi, 2020. Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process for Management of Soil Erosion in Oman, International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Creative Decisions Foundation, 12(1), PP: 104-116. |
Kiran Kumar Poloju, Adesh Shill, Zahid, Abdul Rahman Al Balushi, Shadha Rashid Saif Al Maawali, 2020. Determınatıon Of Strength Propertıes Of Concrete Wıth Marble Powder, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, SERSC Australia, 29(8), PP: 4004-4008. |
Chiranjeevi Rahul Rollakanti, Dr. C.Venkata Siva Rama Prasad; Satyanarayana.P.V.V; M. Pavan Kumar, 2020, Experimental Investigations and Cost Effectiveness of Preformed Foam Cellular Concrete Blocks in Construction Industry, Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology, Science Press 12(4). |
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Siham Farrag, 2020. Innovative Assessment Practice to Improve Teaching and Learning in Civil Engineering, International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 6(2). |
Abdalellah O. Mohammed, Basim A. Khidhir,Mr. Abdul Nazeer,Mr. Vigil J. Vijayan, 2020. Emergency Remote Teaching during Coronavirus Pandemic: The Current Trends and Future Directives at Middle East College Oman, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 5(72). |
Abdalellah O. Mohammed, Hussain H. Al-Kayiem, Osman A.B., Osama Sabir, 2020. One-way coupled fluid–structure interaction of gas–liquid slug flow in a horizontal pipe: Experiments and simulations, Journal of Fluid and Structure, Elsevier, 97(1), PP: 103083. |
Amal Al-Aamri, Dr. Rohana Jani, Prof.Yong Zulina Zubairi, 2020. A REVIEW OF MODELS AND TECHNIQUES USED TO GAUGE QUALITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION, PONTE International Scientific Researchs Journal, Vallecchi Editore, 76(1), PP: 236-247. |
Amal Al-Aamri, Dr. Priya Mathew, Prof.Yong Zulina Zubairi, Dr. Rohana Jani, 2020. Optimal Standards to Measure the Quality of Higher Education Institutions in Oman: Stakeholders’ Perception, Sage Open, SAGE Publications Inc, 10(3), PP:1-11 |
Aparna Agarwal, Lubna AL Gharabi,2020, “Tageerat” A Mobile App to Empower Rural Women Entrepreneurs of Oman, Journal of Big Data and Smart City (JBDSC), 1(1), PP-23-30. |
Maria Teresa Matriano, Nadia Asim, Adnan Ali Said Al Bimani, Ahmed Said, 2020. The Social and Environmental Impact of Hybrid Cars, International Journal of Research in Entrepreneurship & Business Studies Global Scientific Publications, 1(1), PP: 36-47. |
Sachin Kuckian, Aaquib Dalvi, 2020. Strength Possibilities on Fly ash Based Interlock Pavers, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Copernicus, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, 897(1), PP: 12–19. |
Hussin Yahia, Waleed Mubarak Al-Yousfi, Ram Kishore, 2020. Instigating Smart City Infrastructure in Oman: Considering Social Benefits and Economic Values, Journal of Student Research, 9(2). |
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Shaik Asif Hussain, Raza Hasan, Salman Mahmood, and Shaik Javeed Hussain, "Design of Wireless Robotic System for Rescue Operation in Hazardous Environments" International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 299-304, February 2020. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.9.2.299-304. |
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Kiran Kumar Poloju, Prof. Kota Srinivasu, Dr. G. Mallikarjuna Rao, 2020. Study on Mechanical Characterization of Geopolymer Cement Mortar with Single Solution and Combined Solution, Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology, Science Press, 12(8), PP: 481-487. |
Shaik Mazhar Hussain, Afaq Ahmad, 2020 Handover Latency and Interoperability in Future Generation Wireless Mobile Heterogeneous Environment, Oriental journal of computer science and Technology (OJCST), Oriental Scientific Publishing Company 12(3). |
Mohammed Abushammala, Shima Hamed Al-Harrasi, Wajeeha A. Qazi, 2020. Optimal Selection of Seawater Desalination Technology in Oman, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, ICE Publishing, https://doi.org/10.1680/jenes.19.00049. |
Aparna Agarwal, Babpu Debnath, 2020. A Framework to Implement AI-Integrated Chatbot in Educational Institutes, Journal of Big Data and Smart City (JBDSC), 1(1), PP-16-22. |
Mahmoud Dawood, Dr. Omar, MOHAMMED ALI QASIM, 2020. Road Traffic Accident In Muscat: Trend Analysis And Forecast, International Journal of Engineering Development and Research |
Omar Al Obaidi, Mahmoud Dawood, MOHAMMED ALI QASIM, 2020. Road Traffic Accident in Muscat: Trend Analysis and Forecast, International Journal of Engineering Development and Research |
Farrag, S.G., Outay, F., Yasar, A.U. et al.2020. Toward the improvement of traffic incident management systems using Car2X technologies. Pers Ubiquit Computing. |
Bushra Al Kalban, Vikas Rao Naidu, Rajani Rani Gupta, Azahir Al Sawaf, 2020. Teaching mathematics through online collaborative Environment in the higher education context, IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education,6(17), PP: 238-245 |
Muhammad Nauman Bashir, Kamal Mohamad Yusof, Ayman Azam, Kamal Mohamad Yusof, 2020. Detection and Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Retinal Images, Journal of Big Data and Smart Cities, 1(1). |
Manju Jose, MAISA ZAHRAN MOHAMMED AL-HINAAI, 2020. An Exploratory Study: The role of IoT in reducing traffic congestion in Muscat Governorate, Global Scientific Journals, GSJ Publisher, 8(8). Student conference and Journal: |
Ahmed, M., Khan, A.G., and Naidu, V.R., 2019. Possible Impact of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence on Oman’s Logistics Sector: A Review. Journal of Student Research. |
Saqib, M., & Al Maskari, K. A. (2020). Emerging Technologies in Library Systems. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.932. |
Al Amri, H.S.S. and Pandey, J., 2019. The perceived impact of employee turnover and its outcome on the efficiency of the organizational performance. Journal of Student Research |
ALSiyabi, N.H. and Goel, N., 2019. The Effectiveness of Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence for Increasing Financial Performance. (A Case Study: Petroleum Development Oman). Journal of Student Research. |
Al Harrasi, I.H. and Yahia, H.A., 2019. Design a protection Dam for Wadium Allakhma in Wallyat Sur. Journal of Student Research |
Al Raisia, J., Al Mahfudhi, J., Naidu, V.R., Hasan, R., Jesrani, K. and Al Farei, K., 2019. Role of Interactive Multimedia to support MOOC for Enhanced E-learning in the Higher Education Sector in Oman. Journal of Student Research. |
AlKhusaibi, R.M. and Goel, N., 2019. Effect of corporate governance on the financial performance of OMRAN Company. Journal of Student Research. |
Al Shereiqi, I. M., & Sohail, M. mad. (2020). Smart Fire Alarm System Using IOT. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.882 |
Khan, J. and Al-Bassam, N., 2019. Autonomous Fire Safety System for Gas Leak Detection. Journal of Student Research. |
Al-Sawaai, I.S.A., Lavanya, V. and Frank, A., 2019. Safety Wheel Chair for Paralysis Patient. Journal of Student Research |
Al-Abri, K.M., Al-Shukaili, A.R., Al-Maqrshi, S.R. and Al-Badi, H.M., 2019. Modernizing Letter of Credit with Blockchain Technology in Oman. Journal of Student Research. |
Al-Fazari, A.A., Al-Risi, M.S.A. and AbdulWahhab, R., 2019. Green Home: New Application for Monitoring Indoor Air Quality Using Arduino Platform. Journal of Student Research. |
Al Qassabi, A.S.M. and Jayakumari, C., 2019. Use of Machine Learning Algorithms in improving the efficiency of flight check-in in Muscat International Airport. Journal of Student Research. |
Al-Maimani, E.Y. and Yahia, H.A., 2019. An investigation of Driver Attitudes Towards Road Safety in Oman. Journal of Student Research. |
Debnath, B. and Agarwal, A., 2019. A framework to implement AI-integrated chatbot in educational institutes. Journal of Student Research. |
Al-Balushi, N.A., Kazmi, S.I.A. and Al-Kalbani, F.K., 2019. Transport Safety Mechanism of School Children Using IOT based Smart System. Journal of Student Research. |
Al-Sinani, A. H., & Al-Saidi, B. S. (2020). A Survey of Chatbot creation tools for non-coder. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.896 |
Ali ALHajri, I. M., & Pandey, J. (2020). Application of mobile computing in big data technologies. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.887 |
Al-Jafari, N. G., Ahmed, I., Bhatt, A. Z., & Khan, M. S. (2020). Intelligent vehicular maintenance system using IoT, Mobile application, internet-enabled vehicles and vehicular could. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.860 |
Al Wadhahi, E. K. M., & Ahmed, S. A. (2020). Smart Water Tank Monitoring and Booking Using IoT Framework. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.927 |
Naidu, V. R., AL Saadi, N., Al Hamdani, H., Al Moqbali, E., & Hasan, R. (2020). Using Free and Open-Source Tools in Smart Solution Development for the Agriculture Sector in Oman Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.968 |
Al-harthi, A. S.., & Hejmadi, M. (2020). A Study of Mobile Banking with reference to Customer Satisfaction in Bank Nizwa, Oman. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.991 |
AL-Amri, K. S., & Sharma, A. (2020). Study the Impact of use of ICT on Organization Performance in Omani SMEs. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.943. |
Almamari, L. T. H. A., & Kolluru, M. (2020). A qualitative study on the relationship between management and communication within organization. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.935. |
Al-Amri, M. T. S., Al Rawahi, Z., & Naidu, V. R. (2020). Importance of Smart Channel for National Statistics and Information in the Context of Sultanate of Oman. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.878 |
AlSarmi, L. Y., & M. R., P. (2020). IoT in Agriculture: A Smart Forming in Apartment Building at Sultanate of Oman. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.894. |
Alneimi, A. A., Alsaidi, M. J., & Elahag, M. F. (2020). Multi-function e-scarecrow (MFeSC). Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.924. |
Al Wahaibi, A. A. A., & Jose, M. (2020). Merging Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain Technologies to Solve Academic Qualification Forgery Issues. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.856 |
Al-Abri, A., & Pandey, J. (2020). Impact of “e-Commerce Business and boom of online market” on Retailers in Oman. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.902 |
AL Hamdania, H. ., Al Saadi, N., Al-Moqbali, E., Naidu, V. R., & Hasan, R. (2020). Design and Implementation of Educational Application for Directorate of Traffic Safety, Oman. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.966 |
Khabbush, Y. I., Abdulsalam, A., Al-Makhzumi, M., & AbdulWahhab, R. S. (2020). Smart Monitoring System for Home Energy Consumption (SMEC). Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.941 |
Mohammed Abushammala, Wajeeha A. Qazi, 2020. The analysis of electricity production and greenhouse-gas emission reduction from municipal solid waste sector in Oman, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Springer. |
Al Balushi, S. M. M., Al Adawi, H. S. R., Al Anasri, A. Q. A., & Pandey, J. (2020). Process-based knowledge management system for continuous improvement in a corporate environment. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.885. |
Al-Azri, N. M. N., Kuckian, S., & Gaur, H. (2020). Reducing the Impact of Wind Load with Shape of High-Rise Buildings. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.933 |
Mustafa, A. M. M., & Joe, A. (2020). Health and Safety Risk Assessments in Contruction Sites in Oman. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.875 |
Goel, A., Al Tubi, A. H. A., & Eltayeb, A. A. (2020). Development of a Virtual Reality Simulation for Remote Controlled Container Crane Operator Training. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.892 |
Mahfudhi, J.S., Al Raisi, J., Naidu, V.R., Al Kalbani, B. and Gupta, R.R., 2019. Role of Smart Applications for Teaching Mathematics at Government School in Oman. Journal of Student Research. |
Korj, B.M.A., Aslam, E.M., Al, I.B.I.B.M. and Aburub, L.M.H., 2019. Affordable Analog OxygenMonitor forMaintaining Safe Oxygen Concentration in IndustrialEnvironments. Journal of Student Research. |
Al Sheyadi, M. T., & Sohail, M. (2020). IOT based smart home. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.883 |
Al Sakiti, H.S.M., Al Belushi, S.A.A., Al Shilla, W.M.H., Al Qassabi, B.K.A. and Solanki, P.S., 2019. Distributed Generation and µ-Grid to Enhance use of Solar Energy in Oman. Journal of Student Research. |
Almawaali, S. R., & Noronh, H. (2020). Parental Involvement in children’s education: A Proof-of-Concept Study at Elementary Schools. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.939 |
Tolba, O., Farahaat, S., Alani, M., Moustafa, M., Al Yawer, M., Alobaidi, O., & Dawood, M. (2020). Utilization of Polycrete in Manufacturing Manhole Covers: A Comparative Study. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.963 |
Al Maawali, F.A.S., Al-Sheidi, R.S.A.S., Al Risi, M.S.N., Al Balushi, F.A.M. and Shahulhameed, B., 2019. Innovations in the design of sewage treatment plants-A review. Journal of Student Research. |
Al-Maamari, H.M. and Matriano, M., 2019. A Critical Investigation on the Impact of Employee’s Engagement on Employee’s Productivity at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry-Oman. Journal of Student Research. |
AL Mukhaini, M. K. J., & Al Harthy, K. (2020). Propose an advanced smart system of vehicle accidents detection. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.890 |
Al-Duhani, T., & Manchiryala, R. . (2020). Traffic study and flyover design for Burij Al-Sahwa roundabout using Building Information Modelling (BIM). Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.981 |
Al Qaidhi, W. Z., & Sohail, M. (2020). Smart Parking System using IOT. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.881 |
Al Kalbani, F., Al Bulushi, N., & Imran, S. (2020). IoT Based: Smart Traffic Light Controller. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.897 |
Al-Musheifri, S. A. M., & Ahmed, S. A. (2020). IoT Based Framework for Remote Monitoring of Heartbeat Alert System by Using Arduino. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.928 |
Al-Shehhi, A. M., Al-Marzouqi, A. M. A., Al Nofali, M. A. M., & Kamalesini, J. D. (2020). Utilization of Sludge from Majis Waste Water Treatment for the Partial Replacement of Nature Fine Aggregate in Concrete. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.888 |
Al-Hakmani, A. K. S., & Sajan, A. (2020). Design and Implementation of a Smart Shopping Trolley Using RFID Technology. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.978 |
Al Adawi, O. S., Al Hina, S. S., Yahia, H. A. M., & Manchiryal, R. K. (2020). Governmental Stakeholders Impact on Construction Projects in Oman. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.947 |
Al-Balushi, H. G., & Gaur, H. (2020). A study on reinforcement corrosion of concrete structures near coastal areas of Oman. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.936 |
Reethu, B., Kumar, M. S., Sharath, G., Ramanjaneyulu, B., & Manchiryal, R. K. (2020). Stabilization of clayey soil using Gypsum. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.879 |
Malek, I. A., Pandey, J., & Dattana, V. (2020). E- Government Service Quality And Its Effectiveness. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.895 |
Mutashera, S. A., Al Maamari, R. S. A., Al Shezawi, M. H. A., & Al Maamari, H. S. A. (2020). Design of Cooling System for Storage Tank. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.886 |
Alabri, K. R. H.., & Matriano, M. T. (2020). A Critical Study on the Contributions of Training Program Application in the Success of Organization Development and Training Processes in Oman A Case Study of TRC. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.874 |
Koofan, A. A. A., & Kaleem, M. (2020). Analyze and Enhance Sales in Lulu Supermarket using Data Mining Technology. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.926 |
Alhosni, I. S., & Amoudi, O. (2020). Drivers of adopting Circular Economy in Oman built environment. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.903 |
Al Balushi, M. and Goel, N., 2019. The Development of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) For the Efficiency of Back Office Operations at Bank Muscat. Journal of Student Research. |
Almaqbali, I. S. H., Al Khufairi, F. M. A., Khan, M. S., Bhat, A. Z., & Ahmed, I. (2020). Web Scrapping: Data Extraction from Websites. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.942 |
AL-RUQAISHI, A.-A. Z. M., & Khaleel, O. R. (2020). The Effects of Using Ceramic Waste Powder and Palm Fiber on Mortar properties. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.967 |
Mahi, S.R., Khan, J. and Guangul, F.M., 2019. Designing and manufacturing of a user friendly and affordable nasal suction machine for Acute Bronchiolitis treatment of children in Oman. Journal of Student Research |
Al Hinai, A., 2019. Automation of Processes in Omantel Wholesale. Journal of Student Research. |
Asima, N., Al Saqri, A.S.M. and Matriano, M., 2019. The social and environmental impact of hybrid cars. Journal of Student Research. |
Al Shabibi, I. S. S., & Koottala, S. (2020). Detection of Skin Diseases Using Matlab. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.884 |
ALSiyabi, N.H. and Goel, N., 2019. The Effectiveness of Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence for Increasing Financial Performance. (A Case Study: Petroleum Development Oman). Journal of Student Research. |
Al-Muqbali, F., Al-Tourshi, N., Al-Kiyumi, K. and Hajmohideen, F., 2020, April. Smart Technologies for Visually Impaired: Assisting and conquering infirmity of blind people using AI Technologies. In 2020 12th Annual Undergraduate Research Conference on Applied Computing (URC) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. |
Farsi, A.J.A., Salam, R.M.A.A. and Fazari, H.A.A., 2019. SOS Oman. Journal of Student Research. |
Al Tarshia, A.R.K., Al Sadia, N.S.I. and Vimbia, V., 2019. Attendance Tracking using RFID and IoT. Journal of Student Research. |
Al Ismaili, A. R. S., & Suhail, A. H. (2020). Student of Water Tanks Characteristics for Residential and Commerical Buildings in Oman. Journal of Student Research. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.vi.918 |
Al-Mahrouqi, S.A. and Suhail, A.H., 2019. The effect of shaft diameter on the surface quality in turning machine for different sets of cutting parameter. Journal of Student Research. |
James, C. and James, V., 2019. An advanced implementation idea for detecting real-time object occupancy. Journal of Student Research. |
AL-Malki, A.T. and Khidhir, B., 2019. The Effect of Surface Roughness of Low Carbon Steel by Heat Treatment in Turning Operation. Journal of Student Research. |
Abdu, A. and Khidhir, B., 2019. Designing and fabrication of a nozzle to reduce the consumption of water. Journal of Student Research. |
Al Siyabi, A.M.M.N., Al Araimi, S.M.M. and Pandey, J., 2019. An investigation of risk management practices in electronic banking in Sultanate of Oman. Journal of Student Research. |
Al Anasri, A.Q.A., Al Balushi, S.M.M. and Pandey, J., 2019. Why Business Intelligence Is the New Oil for the Upcoming Enterprise. Journal of Student Research. |
Al Maskari, A.A. and Suhail, A.H., 2019. Mitigation of the Health and Environmental Impact of Wastewater Treatment Plant in Oman. Journal of Student Research. |
Al Shaibani, Y.Y. and Al Harthy, K., 2019. Smart solution to detect/prevent bridge accident. Journal of Student Research. |
Almanie, S., Albloshi, A., Alhosni, M., Al-Mighaizwi, S. and Adewole, J., 2019. Modelling and Simulation Studies of Multiple Packings Distillation Column. Journal of Student Research. |
الوهيبي and شمسة بنت حبيب المسافر, 2019. The Application of Blockchain Technology in Managing Electronic Documents in Public Organizations in Oman. Journal of Student Research. |
الدرمكي and الدكتورة شمسه حبيب المسافر, 2019. To Study the Reality of Document Management and e-content of Thakirat Oman Website. Journal of Student Research. |
حميّد بن سالم بن حميد الخصيبي and د. عــــزت ســـعـــد حـــســان, 2019. Study the reality of the current documents department in the Real Estate Documents and Documentation Department at the Ministry of Housing. Journal of Student Research. |
Al Musafir, S.H.S., 2019. Designing a Software to manage and provide the Available Oral Historical Documents in the Documents and Archives Authority. Journal of Student Research. |
زينب مسلم راشد العامري and شمسة بنت حبيب المسافر, 2019. Techniques for Data Exploration in the Texts of the Electronic Documents of the Council for Scientific Research, Reality and Development. Journal of Student Research. |
Almawaali, S.R. and Noronh, H., 2019. Parental Involvement in children’s education: A Proof-of-Concept Study at Elementary Schools. Journal of Student Research. |
D’souza, S.P.D.S. and Ali, S.Z., 2019. Factors influencing the impact of knowledge sharing behavior in organizations across Sultanate of Oman. Journal of Student Research. |
Saqib, M., Zarine, R. and Udin, Z.M., 2018. Exploring the technology orientation influence on the innovativeness-performance relationship of manufacturing SMEs. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 24(3), pp.277-300. |
Zarine, R. and Saqib, M., 2018. Exploring Key Elements Required for Organizational Trust and the Consequential Impact on Knowledge Sharing within Organizations. International Journal of Managing Information Technology, 10(4), pp.23-34. |
Saqib, M., Qudah, E.Z.T., Hamad, B.M.I. and Al Ghassani, K.S.A., 2018. Systematic & Synthesized Critical Literature of Big Data, Business Intelligence-Analytics & Smart Cities to the Current Era. The Journal of Social Sciences Research, pp.139-146. |
Jayakumari, C., 2018. Drug discovery in the computational Era. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 119(10), pp.113-118. |
Palanisamy, I., Muhammad Arif Mirza, H. And Al Mawali, K. (2019) "Original Research Papercathodic Protection Remote Monitoring Based On Iot Platform". International Journal Of Scientific Research 7 (9), 68-69 |
Palanisamy, I., Al Mawali, K. and Mirza, H. (2018) "A Study On Cathodic Protection System For Pipeline Corrosion". International Journal Of Business And Administration Research Review 3 (22), 67-69. |
Zarine, R. and Saqib, M., 2018. An Empirical Investigation of Moderation between Knowledge Management and Organisational Performance. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 22, pp.1-6, |
Hussain, S., Ramaiah, C. and Hussain, S., 2018. A Hardware Model to Measure Motion Estimation with Bit Plane Matching Algorithm. TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 16(5), p.2091. |
Al Balushi, H.M. and Nachappa, S.M., 2018. An Online Monitoring System for Measuring Human Attention Level Based on Brain Activities. In International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Network and Communication Technologies (pp. 192-206). Springer, Singapore. |
Jerew, O. and Al Bassam, N., 2019. Delay Tolerance and Energy Saving in Wireless Sensor Networks with a Mobile Base Station. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2019. |
Safinia, S. and Mirsiaghi, A., 2019. An Insight into the Reasons Behind the Unpopularity of Drywall Systems in the Iranian Construction Industry. Civil Engineering, 10(1). |
Poloju, K K., Rahul,C. and Vineetha Anil., 2018. Glass fibre reinforced concrete (GFRC) - strength and stress strain behaviour for different grades of concrete. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(5), pp.707-712. |
Qazi, W., Abushammala, M., Mohammed-HashamAzam and Younes, M., 2018. Waste-to-Energy Technologies: a Literature Review. The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, 44(4), pp.387-409. |
Azam, M.H., Abushammala, M.F. and Qazi, W.A., 2018. Evaluation of the Significant Renewable Energy Resources in Sultanate of Oman using Analytical Hierarchy Process. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER), 8(3), pp.1528-1534. |
Imhimmed Mohamed Irtema, Muhammad Das, A., A.M. Yahia, H. and Musbah Al Allam, A. 2018. Perceptions Passengers on Service Quality: Public Transport in Kuala Lumpur. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.29), pp.865. |
Abushammala, M., 2019. The effect of using flipped teaching in project management class for undergraduate students. JOTSE, 9(1), pp.41-50. |
Farag, S.G., 2018. Computer laboratory teaching management system for improving teaching and learning. International Journal of Online Engineering (IJOE), 14(09), pp.182-189. |
Khaleel, O.R., Razak, H.A., Mammen, R. and Dawood, M.H., 2018. Powder Materials and Their Effect on the Behaviour of Self-Compacting Concrete in Malaysia. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 431(10). |
Taderera, F. and Al Balushi, M.S., 2018. Analysing Oman Supply Chain Practices Versus Global Best Practices. Global Journal of Business Disciplines, 2(1), pp.86-106. |
Goel, N. 2018, Repercussion of FDI on employment generation in Indian retail. A statistical analysis, International Journal of Business and Globalization, in press |
Matriano, M.T. and Pineda, A.P., 2018. Innovation Approaches To Teaching In Parallel With Societal Changes And Educational Technological Innovations: A Paradigm Shift. Asian journal of management sciences & education, 7(3), pp.24-31. |
Saqib, M., Zarine, R., and Shyamala, S. 2018. Technology Orientation and Moderating Effect on the Relationship between Knowledge Management Practices and Performance of Manufacturing SMEs. Majan International Conference - IEEE Sponsored, pp. 167-194. Muscat, Oman |
Rajeev Arora, Utam Kumar Mandal,, Pankaj Sharma, Anupam Srivastav(2017), “Nano composite film Based on Conducting Polymer, SnO2 and PVA”, Materials Today: Proceedings, 4, pp 2733–2738. |
Sarker, K.U., Deraman, A. and Hasan, R., 2018. Green soft computing and standardization. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 10(6S), pp.462-470. |
Puttaswamy, M.R. and Balamurugan, P. 2018. Hyperspectral image content identification using kernel based neural network. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 10(3), pp-107-115. |
Puttaswamy M R and Fatma Khalaf Al-Abri., 2018. Implementation of a Cross-Platform Mobile Application for Research Management System at MEC-Proof of Concept Study. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 5(1), pp. 661-666. |
Puttaswamy M R., Nadia Asim., Shahad Rashid Almawaali., Lamiya Yusuf Al Sarmi. and Jamila Bakheet, A., 2018. Parental Involvement: A Proof of Concept Study at MEC. International Journal on Comuputer Science and Network, 7(3), pp. 199 -207. |
Rajegowda, P.M. and Balamurugan, P., 2018. A Neural Network Approach to Identify Hyperspectral Image Content. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 8(4), pp.2115. |
Saqib, M., Zarine, R. and Udin, Z.M., 2018. Exploring the technology orientation influence on the innovativeness-performance relationship of manufacturing SMEs. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 24(3), pp.277-300. |
Farag, S.G., 2018. Computer laboratory teaching management system for improving teaching and learning. International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE), 14(09), pp.182-189. |
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Al Rashdi, S.S. and Nair, S.S.K., 2017. A business intelligence framework for Sultan Qaboos University: A case study in the Middle East. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business, 7(3). |
Anand, M. and Jayakumari, C., 2017. Study of Retina Image Segmentation Algorithms from Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Images. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, 9(4), pp.125-135 |
Abdelaal, S. and Yusof, Y., 2018. Adaptation of Motion Estimation Algorithms for Real Time Video Sequences. International Conference on Computer and Applications (ICCA), pp. 90-94. |
Puttaswamy., Balamurigan, P., Sumaiya, A. and Prakash, K 2017, Cloud Streaming on Online Gaming, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, 5(9), pp.84-89. |
Puttaswamy. and Fatema, A, 2018, Implementation of a Cross-Platform Mobile Application for Research Management System at MEC-Proof of Concept Study, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology , 5(1), pp.661-666. |
Ishaq, M. and Jayakumari., 2018. A Proposed Study of a Unified e-Portal for Citizens and Residents in the Sultanate of Oman. Journal Engineering Sciences & Information Technology, 2(3), pp. 61-69. |
Anand, M. and Jayakumari, C., 2017. EFCM-QABC: Enhanced Fuzzy C Means Clustering-Quick Artificial Bee Colony Based Subretinal Fluid Segmentation Algorithm with Neuro Sensory Retinal Detachment (NRD) in SD-OCT Images. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 116(22), pp. 505-517. |
Hussain, S.A., Hasan, R. and Hussain, S.J., 2018. Classification and Detection of Plant Disease using Feature Extraction Methods. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 13(6), pp. 4219-4226. |
Albassam, N., 2017. Design of DCSK based on modified time reversal technique. Cogent Engineering, 4(1), pp.1365576. |
Yahia, H.A., Safinia, S., Al Musharfi, N.K. and Ali, S.S., 2017. Car driver attitude towards road safety measures. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 29(1), pp.57-61. |
Yahia, H.A., 2017. Development of Roundabout Delay Models Using Traffic Simulation Programs: A Case Study at Al-Mansour City, Iraq. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 29(2), pp.97-103. |
Poloju, K., Yahia, H. and Vineetha., 2018. Examine possible outcomes on strength properties for utilizing rubber waste on various grade of concrete. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems. |
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