The Technology Transfer Office (TTO)
at Middle East College
Aims and Objectives of TTO
- To facilitate and to capitalise on cross cutting research outcomes, innovations and professional services of the research community by supporting, organising, and promoting activities that are innovative.
- To engage and provide opportunities to the researchers to advance their goals of high impact research connections with the industry and society.
- To encourage the research community to engage in protection and licensing of inventions, innovations, and other types of research outcomes and partnerships with the industry
- To have a common legal framework that links Middle East College research outcomes with other technical industry partners inside and outside Oman through the National Technology Transfer Office.
- To facilitate all types of intellectual property legal protection including patent software, code protection, study material and other types of IP protection in collaboration with NTTO,
- To explore the best mechanisms, to ensure that all the potential projects can be utilised by the industry and commercialized legally.
- To commercialize the outcomes of innovative projects, technologies and to engage in producing, licencing and commercialisation of research innovations
- To suggest, develop and update the policies and procedures related to the research output commercialisation and productions.