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On-Campus Female

Giving a sense of belonging, and harmony!

We aspire to become your second home providing you with suitable housing that groups you with your friends! The college has a dedicated office, the Student Accommodation and Estates Department (SAED) with a team of efficient supervisory staff to facilitate your stay at reasonable charges. It’s an exciting experience to stay on the campus of MEC where students enjoy a balanced environment with access to the library, labs, and sports facilities. The female accommodation is within the campus of the college. The apartments in the hostel building cater to single, double, and triple occupancy room types. Each room has an attached washroom.

Female Hotel Building
Dual Occupancy
Single Occupancy

We aspire to become your second home providing you with suitable housing that groups you with your friends! The college has a dedicated office, the Student Accommodation and Estates Department (SAED) with a team of efficient supervisory staff to facilitate your stay at reasonable charges. It’s an exciting experience to stay on the campus of MEC where students enjoy a balanced environment with access to the library, labs, and sports facilities. The female accommodation is within the campus of the college. The apartments in the hostel building cater to single, double, and triple occupancy room types. Each room has an attached washroom.

Male Accommodation

For male students, the accommodation is merely 5 minutes away from college. The students are provided with transportation from/to MEC campus. The male hostel is strategically located with many facilities around like restaurants, petrol pump, ATMs, Laundry etc. Each room has facilities such as Wi-Fi connection, AC, bed, storage facilities, washroom etc. The corridors and open areas of the compound are cleaned daily and cleaning rooms, washrooms, and the kitchen is done once a week. Some of the students’ much-needed facilities include Airport-pick and drop, weekly shopping trips, and the medical emergency trips to the hospital.

Knowledge Oasis Muscat, Al Rusayl
00968 24531400

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