The Student Advisory Council (SAC) represents your voice on matters related to academics, services, activities, and initiatives at MEC. Members of the SAC are on the College Board and its sub-committees who could give constructive feedback based on your inputs. SAC takes forward your aspirations in all important aspects of college life. It follows a participatory approach that allows you to get involved in different initiatives through the committees. You too can be a member of SAC. The Student Advisory Council (SAC) at MEC has 17 elected members including the President and Vice-president. SAC functions through its three committees: Academic Committee, Student Services Committee, and Activities and Initiatives Committee. Each committee under its head, works closely with different units, offices, and departments in the college, to serve as a bridge between the students and the institution. You may connect with any of the (SAC) members via email or by personally visiting the SAC office.

Having this role made me gain a lot of knowledge, it taught me how to be more responsible, how to manage my time in a better way between my studies and SAC work, it helped me to be more social and it increased my communication skills due to my work with Activities Unit, my SAERCO meetings, my work outside college and dealing with other colleges’ SAC members or their Activities Unit. Being a part of SAC is more likely to be part of MEC staff and MEC students at the same time, it is a great experience I advise my colleagues to give it a try.