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Middle East College enhances academic innovation with Generative Models workshop

The Department of Computing and Electronics at Middle East College hosted a workshop on “Generative Models” on the 28th of March, 2024, attracting faculty members from Computer Science and Electronics Engineering. The session was led by Prof. Shekhar Verma from IIT Allahabad, India.

Prof. Verma demystified complex concepts ranging from Generative Adversarial Networks to Diffusion Models, making it accessible for attendees with a basic understanding of machine learning, as well as probability and statistics. The workshop not only aimed to deepen the research capabilities of faculty members in deep learning but also to enrich elective courses in “Generative Models” and “Deep Learning”.

Faculty from various departments found the workshop highly beneficial for incorporating these advanced technologies into their research and teaching methodologies, marking a significant step towards academic excellence and innovation at Middle East College.

Knowledge Oasis Muscat, Al Rusayl
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