Our Students, Our Treaure
Student Success Centre helps you to achieve your academic and personal aims, assist and support in your academic progression and guides you in your personal and social
matters. In addition, it also helps you to understand MEC rules and regulations and develop your overall personality through the training and instructional workshops. The
Centre has specialized advisors and psychological counsellors to facilitate this process.
The SSC offers the following services and programmes for students:
SSC Workshops
These are interactive sessions on Time Management, Learning Styles, How to overcome Exam Anxiety, Revision Techniques, Positive Programming etc. which are organised to assist students to be responsible learners with a well-rounded personality.
Transition to College Life
Sessions are offered during the Orientation Programme to familiarize new students with college regulations, advise students to adhere to the rules and regulations for achieving optimal academic growth and to clarify their queries related to college life. General Foundation Programme students are specially catered through a series of workshops to make the transition to college life smoother.
Peer-tutoring and Supplementary Instructors
The SSC arranges tutorial sessions for modules in which students need more assistance. These sessions are conducted by cross-aged peer tutors supervised by academic departments. Supplementary instructors are also used in class for modules based on the needs of the students or on the faculty’s request.
Best Bachelor/Masters Project Award
The SSC encourages professional competence, cultural confidence, and social engagement through the Best Bachelor/Masters Project Award Competition across all specialisations.
Academic Advising
SSC members have individual sessions and follow-ups with students who are underperforming academically. An Academic Plan is prepared for such students and the required support is provided. SSC also coordinates the general Academic Advising process of MEC.
Student Success Mentorship Programme
Students are chosen as Success Mentors (SSM) and are placed at various strategic places in the campus keeping in mind maximum interaction with the students. SSMs motivate and guide students in academic and non-academic issues. They also inform students about program completion regulations, peer-tutoring arrangements, clarification on policies, important announcements etc
Psychological Counseling
Full-time counselors are available on appointment for students seeking help on psychological issues which may be adversely affecting their academic progress.
Supporting Students with Medical Conditions
Students with medical conditions, which may affect their academic performance, are expected to meet SSC members. Suitable provisions and arrangements are made for these cases during classes and assessments.