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MEC has great credit for restoring and revitalising my latent energies! – Said Al Harthi

سعيد، طالب، كلية الشرق الأوسط، ماستر، ماجستير

I joined Middle East College (MEC) because it has the appropriate environment to complete my postgraduate studies and because it has all the requirements that help students in the education stage and its affiliation with educational institutions and strong partnerships around the world.

I enjoyed it a lot during my college studies because I witnessed many unique and beautiful moments, especially after joining the student activities. My graduation was an unforgettable moment as I enjoyed a lot with my friends and the MEC’s Rovers.   

I liked many details in the college, including the shape of the buildings and the college campus’s beauty. I admired the profound message in identifying the college’s facilities by the names of Muslim scholars. They excelled and were unique in their fields, which would remind students of the importance of arming themselves with science and following scholars’ example. I also liked the Student Hub, which holds a lot of beautiful memories for me.

I continued my postgraduate studies in business administration. It is the most appropriate programme for me, according to my previous academic qualification. This programme contributed to raising my management skills and knowledge, and my capabilities to acquire senior management positions in the future, God willing.

Middle East College has great credit for restoring and revitalising my latent energies. My leadership of the MEC Rovers for two consecutive years and our participation in many internal and external events, workshops, and activities will significantly impact my life. I hope everyone benefits from their presence in this beautiful college and develops their skills and abilities by participating in various events and activities.

Said Abdullah Al Harthi
A graduate with a Postgraduate degree from MEC


MBA, masters, Business, MEC


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