at MEC
In light of MEC’s vision and strategic development, MEC is continuously focused on building research capacity that contributes to quality enhancement of scholarly research, student innovation and the development of a research culture.
Dr. Mounir Dhibi, Associate Professor, Department of Computing
PhD (Year 2006) in Computer Science and Telecommunication from University of Rennes 1 & Telecom Bretagne France
Dr. Mounir has vast international exposure in Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering. His research interests include Data Mining, Belief function theory, Classification, Social network, Pattern Recognition and Image processing, Design of Learning Management Systems. He has published extensively in journals and conferences published.
Area of expertise: Smart City, Big Data, Data Mining, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing
Key Publications:Mounir DHIBI (2016), Classification of medical imaging by using an adaptive distance belief function estimation. Submitted to Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 2016 Fatma Karem, Mounir DHIBI and Arnaud Martin (2015), credibility fusion of classifications for noisy data”, IJAMCS 2015. Imen JDEY, Abdelmalek TOUMI, Mounir DHIBI, Ali KHENCHAF & Med Salim BOUHLEL (2014):"Fuzzy fusion system for radar target recognition", IJCST 2014. John Puentes, Mounir DHIBI, Bruno Guias, Basel Solaiman(2009), Computer Assisted Venous Thrombosis Volume Quantification”, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine mars 2009. Mounir DHIBI, Renaud Debon, John Puentes, and Basel Solaiman (2008): Aided Diagnosis System for Venous Thrombosis Pathology Using 3D Segmentation and data fusion”, International Journal on the theory and applications of Computer Vision and Image Analysis. 5,8, 53-58, 2008.
Dr. Ali Abbas, Assistant Professor, Department of Computing.
PhD (Year 2015) in Wireless and Mobile Networks, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, South Korea
Area of expertise: Ad hoc sensor networks, heterogeneous networks, smart grid and health information systems
Dr. Ali has 7 years of professional experience in research and higher education teaching. He received his PhD on the topic of adaptive forwarding scheme for bounded time constraint in delay tolerant network (DTN) in mobile communication from Gyeongsang National University, South Korea, where he studied at the Department of Informatics. He holds two Master degrees: Master in Computer Networks from Derby University, UK (2007) and Master in Computer Science from Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan (2003). His research interests are in areas of information systems, wireless communications, network security and optimization techniques. Further development of the aforementioned general areas in the applications to ad hoc/sensor networks /machine to machine communications, heterogeneous networks, smart grid and health information systems. Prior to working at Middle East College, he worked as an academic and industry in South Korea, Pakistan and United Kingdom.
Key Publications:Ali Abbas, Babar Shah, Feras Al-Obeidat, Farkhund Iqbal (2016), “Bounded Message Delay with Threshold Time Constraint in Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs)," In Proceedings of the 3nd IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart City, Muscat, Oman, March 2016. Feras Al-Obeidat, Babar Shah and Ali Abbas (2016), “A Meta-heuristic Approach for Developing PROAFTN with Decision Tree," In Proceedings of the 3nd IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart City, Muscat, Oman, March 2016. Ali Abbas and Ki-Il Kim (2015), “Adaptive Forwarding Scheme for Bounded Time Constraint in Delay Tolerant Network," 2nd Review, Computer Science and Information Systems. Babar Shah, Farkhund Iqbal, Ali Abbas, Ki-Il Kim (2015), Fuzzy Logic Based Guaranteed Lifetime Protocol for Real-Time Wireless Sensor Networks," Sensors Journal, 15(8), 2015. Ali Abbas, ChungJae Lee, Ki-Il Kim (2015), “Delay Bounded Spray and Wait in Delay Tolerant Networks," in Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication at (ACM IMCOM'15), Bali, January 2015.
Dr. Prakash has more than 30 years of experience in academics, industries, defense and training. Area of research is Computer Graphics, Multimedia, Interactive Media, Digital Media, E-Learning, and Project Management. Published more than 25 research publications. A world-class trainer of Microsoft Project, Involved in various, diversified projects in India and Oman. Worked as a Deputy Manager (Training) in Asia’s premier aerospace manufacturing industry.
Key Publications:Prakash Kumar U (2016), Big data integration for transition from e-learning to smart learning framework, Proceeding of 3rd MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC), 2016, 978-1-4673-9584-7 Prakash Kumar U (2015), Embedding E-Activities in Higher Education – Initiation in Middle East College through Collaborative Learning and Game Development, Recent Advances in Computer Applications, Seoul, Korea,Year:2015, Page 168-172, ISBN: 978-1-61804-333-7 Prakash Kumar U (2015), Authoring framework for collaborative e-learning content development and integration, 8th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain, Year: 2015, Page No-7703-7707, ISBN : 978-84-608-2657-6-201 Prakash Kumar U (2015), An Evaluation of e-Government Service Quality and the Impacts of Cloud Computing on Government Sector in Oman., Journal -GRENZE International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (GIJCTE), Mc-GrawHill Publishing, Vol III, Page 165-175, Year: 2015, ISBN 978-93-392-2169-0 Prakash Kumar U (2014), Optimizing Three-dimensional Graphics for Web-based Interactive Multimedia Applications, 2nd International Conference on “Applied Information and Communications Technology (ICAICT 2014), ISBN, 978-93 - 5107-285-0.
Dr. Prakash Kumar U, Assistant Professor, Department of Computing
PhD (Year 2015) in Computer Science, Singhania University, India
Area of expertise: Multimedia, Web and Mobile Application, E-governance, Project Management
Dr. Smitha Sunil Kumaran Nair
PhD (Year 2014) in Computer Science and Engineering, Manipal University, India.
Dr. Smitha has 13 years of academic teaching and research experience in various colleges and universities. She is currently coordinating the Computing modules of University of Wolver Hampton program in MEC. She has been actively involved in research since 2005. Her research interest is interdisciplinary including medical imaging, computational biology, and Big Data. She is co-supervising a Ph. D research scholar of MEC registered in Coventry University, UK. She has a modest number of research publications in International journals. She is a recipient of ‘Incentive award for Excellence in Faculty Research and Research Publications’, from Manipal University, India.
Area of expertise: Medical Imaging, Computational Biology, Smart City and Big Data
Key Publications:Smitha Sunil Kumaran Nair (2013), “A machine learning approach to Brain tissue segmentation”, Proc. International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Technology (ICACSIT 2013), Goa, India, Feb 17, 2013. Smitha Sunil Kumaran Nair, Subba Reddy N. V., Hareesha K. S (2013), “Prediction of amyloid fibril aggregates of peptide sequences: a soft computing approach”, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science: Proc. The World Congress on Engineering, International Conference on System Biology and Bioengineering (ICSBB 2013), pp. 1351-1353, Imperial College, London, Jul 3-5, 2013. Zakiya Juma Khulaif Al Riyami, Fatma Mubarak Said Siyabi, Smitha Sunil Kumaran Nair (2015), “A Survey on the Bio-physio-chemical Properties Databases”, Proc. The 2nd MEC Student Conference 2015, Middle East College, Sultanate of Oman, May 19, 2015. Saud Sultan Al Rashdi, Santhosh John, Smitha Sunil Kumaran Nair (2015), “Sultan Qaboos University Mobile Application Strategy”, Proc. The 2nd MEC Student Conference 2015, Middle East College, Sultanate of Oman, May 19, 2015. Mohamed Musallam Khasib Al Rawahi, Smitha Sunil Kumaran Nair (2015), “Detecting Skimming Devices in ATM through image processing”, 12th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2015), Morocco, November 17-20, 2015.
Dr. Manju Jose, Assistant Professor, Department of Computing
PhD (Year 2014) in Computer Science, Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikannal, India.
Dr. Manju has 16 years of teaching and research experience in the area of Computer Science in various colleges and universities. She is currently Assistant Head of Department of Computing and Programme Manager for MSc IT at Middle East College. She has been actively involved in research since 2006. Her research interest is data communication in IP networks and IoT. She is also an external examiner for thesis evaluation in various Universities in India.
Area of expertise: Data Communications, Data Mining, Internet of Things, IP Networks
Key Publications:Manju Jose, Preethy Kurian, Biju V. (2016), Progression Analysis of Students in a Higher Education Institution Using Big Data Open Source Predictive Modelling, IEEE Xplore Digital Library: MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC). Available at :http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=7460352&filter%3DAND%28p_IS_Number%3A7460263%29%26rowsPerPage%3D50 Fatma Al Shuhaimi, Manju Jose, Ajay Singh. (2016), Software Defined Network as Solution to Overcome Security Challenges in IoT, 5th IEEE Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization. Manju Jose, Dr.S.K. Srivatsa (2011), Comparative Analysis of Techniques for Eliminating Spam in Fax over IP, International Journal of Computer Science & Information Security, Vol. 9, no.1, pp. 48 -52. ISSN 1947-5500. Manju Jose, Dr.S.K.Srivatsa (2012), A Comprehensive Study and Performance Analysis of Facsimile Transmission using GSM Fixed Wireless Terminal, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 44, No.2, pp. 31-36. ISSN 0975-8887. Manju Jose and Dr.S.K.Srivatsa (2012), “Comprehensive Study and Comparison of Facsimile Transmission in IP and PSTN Networks”, International Proceedings of Computer Science and Information Technology, Vol. 41, pp. 176-183. ISSN 2010-460X.
Civil Engineering
Dr. Ram Kishore Manchiryal
PhD (2009) in Civil Engineering specialized in civil engineering materials characterization at Clarkson University - Potsdam, NY, USA.
Dissertation on Dielectric Response Based Characterization and Strength Prediction of Cementitious Materials.
He has 13 years of experience in field of material characterization, corrosion of steel, electrical properties of construction materials and Health monitoring of structures. He has strong hold on Non-Destructive Testing using Electrical Impedance Technique, Frequency Response Analyzer, Dynamic Resonance Testing, SEM, TGA and XRD.
He was also involved in national and international funded projects in USA and India during his research and work. He has written proposals, led a research group, and has been involved in developing an instrument to predict strength of concrete by measuring electrical resistance at fresh stage. His current research interests are sustainable construction materials, sustainable analysis and design of structures and health monitoring of concrete and steel structures.
Key Publications:Dr. Ram Kishore Manchiryal, Kiran Kumar Poloju, Chiranjeevi Rahul R, (2016). “Advancement in Physical Properties of Hypo Sludge Concrete”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER), Volume 7, Issue 9, pp. 1446 - 1454 Dr. Ram Kishore Manchiryal, Dr. Arvind Dewangan and Dr.D.P.Gupta, (October 2014) “Implementation And Analysis Of Strength Characteristics Of Concrete Using Crushed Stone Dust As Fine Aggregate.", IJREAS 4, (10) (ISSN 2249-3905) Manchiryal, R. K., Dewangan, A., Gupta, D.P., and Bakshi, R. K., (2013). ‘Stress Distribution Analysis of the Kaolinite Layer at the Kaolinite –Geotextile’ International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2 (3), 162-165.
Dr. Mohammed AbushammalaPhD (Year 2012) in Civil and Structural Engineering, Specialist in Environmental Engineering, The National University of Malaysia, Malaysia.Dr. Abushammala has 9 years of research experience in the field of Environmental Engineering. His research interests focus on solving different environmental problems in the area of air pollution, water pollution, and municipal solid waste management; which included but not limited to the following topics: waste to energy technologies, municipal solid waste management, composting, landfilling, waste recycling, landfill gas emission and methane oxidation, Biogas, Biodrying, and expert system in environmental engineering. Published more than 30 papers in various international journals and 13 international conferences.Area of expertise: waste management, landfilling, water and wastewater engineering. Key Publications:Mohammed F.M. Abushammala, Wajeeha A. Qazi, Mohammed-Hasham Azam, Umais A. Mehmood, Ghithaa A. Al-Mufragi, Noor-Alhuda Alrawahi (2016). Economic and Environmental Benefits of Landfill Gas Utilization in Oman. Waste Management & Research, 34(8): 717-723.Mohammad K. Younes, Z. M. Nopiah, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Hassan Basri, Mohammed F.M. Abushammala, Khairul Nizam Abdul Maulud (2015). Landfill area estimation based on integrated waste disposal option and solid waste forcasting using modified ANFIS model. Waste Management, 55: 3-11.Abushammala, M.F.M., Basri, N.E.A, Basri, H., Kadhum, A.A.H. & El-Shafie, A.H. (2012). Methane and carbon dioxide flux measurements from Sungai Sedu open dumping during wet season in Malaysia. Ecological Engineering, 49: 254-263.Abushammala, M.F.M., Basri, N.E.A, Basri, H., Kadhum, A.A.H. & El-Shafie, A.H. (2011). Regional landfills methane emission inventory in Malaysia. Waste Management & Research, 29: 863-873.Abushammala, M.F.M., Basri, N.E.A. & Kadhum, A.A.H. (2009). Review on Landfill Gas Emission to the Atmosphere. European Journal of Scientific Research, 30:427-436. Dr. Hussin A.M YahiaDr. Hussin A,M has experience of more than 7 years in the field of transportation and Traffic Engineering. He was previously working as searcher in Sustainable Urban Transport Research Center (SUTRA), Bangi, Malaysia, after that Senior Lecturer in Higher Institute of Engineering Nalut. He became a Member in Transportation Science Society of Malaysia (TSSM), Libyan Scientific Community, Guild of Libyan engineers, Tripoli branch, and Sustainable Urban Transport Research Center (SUTRA), Bangi, Malaysia, as well Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer (IEEE), UKM branch, Malaysia. He had many papers published in various National and International Journals in USA, UK, Malaysia, Indonesia, India and Korea. He is also actively involved as a reviewer of articles sent by various International journals and the Conferences.Key Publications:Hussin A.M. Yahia and Amiruddin Ismail (2013), An Analysis of Traffic Accidents in Libya, and Some Mitigation Strategies. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(4): 285-290, 2013 ISSN 1991-8178 (SCOPUS Cited Publication),Hussin A.M. Yahia and Amiruddin Ismail (2014), Knowledge of Traffic Laws and Drivers Behavior on the Roads of Tripoli City, Libya. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology. ISSN: 2040-7459; e-ISSN: 2040-7467. Maxwell Scientific Organization (SCOPUS Cited Publication),Hussin A.M. Yahia, Amiruddin Ismail, Shaban Ismael Albrka, Aldukali Salem Almselati and Mohd. Azizul Ladin (2014), Attitudes and Awareness of Traffic Safety among Drivers in Tripoli- Libya. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 7(24): 5297-5303, 2014 ISSN: 2040-7459; e-ISSN: 2040-7467. Maxwell Scientific Organization (SCOPUS Cited Publication),Shaban Ismael Albrka, Amiruddin Ismail, Hussin A.M Yahia, Mohd Azizul Ladin (2014), Application of Transyt-7f on Signalized Road Junction Networks in Shah Alam and Petaling Jaya. Jurnal Teknologi, v69, Issue 2. (SCOPUS Cited Publication),Hamza Irtema, Amiruddin Ismail, Shaban Ismael Albrka, Mohd Azizul Ladin, Hussin A.M Yahia (2015),Evaluating the Performance of Traffic Flow in Four Intersections and Two Roundabouts in Petaling Jaya and Kuala Lumpur Using Sidra 4.0 Software. Jurnal Teknologi, v72, Issue 4 (SCOPUS Cited Publication) Dr. Said AlmaawaliPhD (Year 2014) in Civil and Structural Engineering, Specialist in Structural Engineering, from University of Science Malaysia, Malaysia. Dr. Said has 24 years of civil engineering experience in Ministry of Education as project engineer the head of projects and maintenance section. His completed his Master’s degree in 2007 and then his Phd in 2014 . He has also published 4 conference papers and submitted one journal paper. His research interest focuses on solving different Engineering problems in the area of Civil engineering, Wind engineering, structural engineering, concrete technology, etc. Key Publications:Said Almaawali (2015), "Prediction of basic wind speed for Oman ", The International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICOCEE - Cappadocia 2015). Nevsehir, Turkey, May 20 - 23, 2015.Said Almaawali (2015), "Characteristics of Oman Daily Wind Speed", NCCPE 2015, “National Conference on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Chemical and Process Engineering" on 22ndApril 2015 in Caledonian College of Engineering, Al-Hail campusSaid Almaawali (2015), “ DETERMINATION OF BASIC WIND SPEED FOR BUILDING STRUCTURES IN OMAN” ICCBT2008- International conference on construction and building technology, Kualalambur - Malaysia; 06/200Said Almaawali (2015), “ DETERMINATION OF BASIC WIND SPEED FOR BUILDING STRUCTURES IN OMAN – present situation” submitted and accepted from International conference on Civil and structural engineering , Singapore, May 2017 Taksiah A, Shukri Y, Almaawali S and Tan C. (2015), “Statistical Prediction of Basic Wind Speed for Oman “ , International conference of Civil and Structural Engineering, South Korea, August 2016. Dr. Mahmoud DawoodSenior Structural, Construction and Project Management academic and practicing engineer with more than 18 years of experience. Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in construction engineering and management coupled with a proven extensive record of accomplishments in structural engineering. This includes thorough knowledge and solid experience in project planning, scheduling, cost analysis/ estimate, resource management, construction equipment’s/methods, risk management, safety planning, quality management, quantity surveying/specifications, value management/engineering, engineering economy, financing, delay analysis, contracts/bidding/tendering analysis, monitoring, tracking, system analysis, operations research, site management, construction visualization, and control throughout the project life cycle. An extensive experience in Building Information Modeling (BIM), and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques with its applications in civil, construction engineering, and project management. In addition, a strong expertise in Project Management Office (PMO) methodology, applications of simulation and artificial intelligence in construction management as well as experienced in engineering design and condition assessment for various structural systems, including dams and hydraulic structures, bridges, seismic rehabilitation of concrete structures and bridges, power plants, substations, retaining walls, deep foundation and foundation supporting heavy industrial equipment.Key Publications:Dawood, M. (2016). “BIM based optimal life cycle cost of sustainable house framework.” Proceedings of the Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) 3rd International Conference, March 15-16, MEC, Muscat, OMAN.Elbeltagi, E., Hosny, O., Dawood, M., and Elhakeem, A. (2014). “BIM-Based Cost Estimation/ Monitoring For Building Construction.” International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 4, Issue 7, pp.56-66.Alaryan, A., Elbeltagi, E., Elshahat, A., and Dawood, M. (2014). “Causes and Effects of Change Orders on Construction Projects in Kuwait.” International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 4, Issue 7, pp.01-08.Ibrahim A. Elbeltagi, Emad E. Elbeltagi, Mahmoud A. Dawood (2013). “Frame Work of Condition Assessment for Sewer Pipelines.” International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 3, Issue 4, pp.1833-1844.Elbeltagi, E., and Dawood, M. (2011). “Integrated Visualized Time Control System for Repetitive Construction Projects.” Automation in Construction, Volume 20, Issue 7, Pages 741-998. Dr. Lema Dakssa (PhD) in Civil Engineering / Geotechnical Engineering in 2014. Research interests: Geomechanics (soils and rocks); engineering properties of problematic soils (e.g. clay); foundations and settlements; sustainable geomaterials; and etc.Key Publications Dakssa, L. M. (2016), Some aspects of rock slopes stabilization in urban areas in Sultanate of Oman; 3rd MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC).Dakssa, L. M. & Harahap, I. S. (2013), The performance of SPH method in simulating surface runoff along a saturated soil slopes; Int. J. Safety and Security Eng., Vol. 3, No. 2, 77-87.Haza Z. F, Harahap, I. S. H., & Dakssa, L. M. (2013), Experimental studies of flow front and drag force exerted by a subaqueous mudflow on inclined base, Nat. Hazards, 68, 587-611.Dakssa, L.M. & Harahap, I.S.H. (2011) Investigating unsaturated soil slope instability: a meshfree numerical approach, 3rd International Conference on Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development Ecological Hazards, Malaysia.Dakssa, L.M. & Harahap I.S.H. (2010) On the review of rainfall-induced landslide modeling. 1stConference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure, Malaysia. Dr. Omar Riyadh Khaleel Alobaidi(PhD) 2013 (University of Malaya- Malaysia), specialist in Concrete Technology.(MSc) 2007 (University of Technology-Iraq) specialist in Building MaterialsDr. Omar has 5 years of research experience in the field of Concrete Technology. His research interest focuses on producing High Strength Self compacting concrete in Malaysia by using local materials and the problems encountered. Studying the properties of local materials used in Malaysia and the effect of those materials on the properties high strength self-compacting concrete. He published four papers only and two of them were in high impact journals with Q1 ranking in the world classification of journals. Others were publish in procedia engineering journal by international conference.Areas Expertise: concrete technology (High Performance Concrete, Sustainable Construction), and utilization of waste materials in concrete.Key Publications:Khaleel, O. R.; Al-Mishhadani, S. A.; Abdul Razak, H. (2011), The Effect of Coarse Aggregate on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC). Procedia Engineering. Volume: 14 Pages: 805-813Fayyadh, M. M.; Razak, H. Abdul; Khaleel, O. R. (2011), Differential Effects of Support Conditions on Dynamic Parameters. Procedia Engineering, Volume: 14 Pages: 177-184Khaleel, O. R.; Abdul Razak, H. (2011), The Effect of Powder Type on the Setting Time and Self Compactibilty of Mortar. Construction and Building Materials, 36 (2012) 20–26.Khaleel, O. R.; Abdul Razak, H (2014), Mix Design Method for Self Compacting Metakaolin Concrete with Different Characteristics of Coarse Aggregate. Journal of Materials and Design. |
- Manchiryal, R.K, Persun, J., and. Neithalath, N., (2011). “Electrical conductivity based microstructure and strength prediction of plain and modified concretes”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, Volume 2, Issue 3, pp 83–94 (invited contribution)
- Manchiryal, R., and Neithalath, N., (2009). “Analysis of the influence of material parameters on the electrical conductivity of cement pastes and concretes”, Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol. 61, Issue 4, pp. 257-270.
Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Basim A. Khidhir, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
PhD (Year 2011) in Mechanical Engineering from University of university Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia (UNITEN).
Area of expertise: Ad hoc sensor networks, heterogeneous networks, smart grid and health information systems
Dr. Basim A. Khidhir has 35 years of professional experience in research and higher education teaching. He received his PhD on the topic of predicting machining parameters for machining superalloy materials from University Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Malaysia, where he studied at the Department of mechanical engineering. He holds a master’s degrees in production engineering - machining from University of technology - Baghdad, (1991). His research interests are in areas of predicting machining parameters of superalloy materials through applying artificial intelligent methods. Further research conducted on machinability of composite material.
Key Publications:Basim A. Khidhir, (2016) “Comprehensive Study on Machinability of Titanium Composite” Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering 04(02) · Basim A. Khidhir, Bashir Mohamed, (2010) “ Machining of Nickel based alloys using different cemented carbide tools” Journal of Engineering Science & Technology, vol. 5, issue 1, pp. 110-115. Ali, Moaz H., Ansari, M. N. M., Khidhir, Basim A.; Mohamed, Bashir; Oshkour, A. A (2014) “Simulation machining of titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) based on the finite element modeling” Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 36: 315-324.
Key Publications:Guangul, F. M., Sulaiman, S. A., & Ramli, 2014. Effects of operating variables on the resulting producer gas in oil palm fronds gasification. Renewable Energy 72, 171-183. Sulaiman, S. A., Guangul, F. M., Konda, R. E., Atnaw, S. M., & Moni, M. N. (2016). Estimation of Moisture Content of Oil Palm Fronds through Correlation with Density for the Process of Gasification. BioResources, 11(4), 8941-8952. Guangul, F. M. and Sulaiman, S. A. 2013 “Mitigation of Bridging Problem in Biomass Gasification by a Novel Approach” Asian Journal of Scientific Research, 6 (2). pp. 331-338. Guangul, F. M., Sulaiman, S. A., Moni, M. N. Z., Atnaw, S. M. and Konda, R. E. 2013. “Determination of the Equilibrium Moisture Content of Oil Palm Fronds Feedstock for Gasification Process” Asian Journal of Scientific Research, 6 (2). pp. 360-366.
Dr. FISEHA MEKONNEN GUANGUL, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
2013 Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia.
Dr. Fiseha Mekonnen Guangul has 5 years of professional experience in research and higher education teaching. He received his PhD on the topic of Estimation of Moisture Content of Oil Palm Fronds through Correlation with Density for the Process of Gasification. BioResources from University Technology Petronas, Malaysia, where he studied at the Department of mechanical engineering. He hold a Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering Addis Ababa University, Technology Faculty, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and a Higher Diploma in Professional Teacher Education Adama Science & Technology University, Adama, Ethiopia.Basim A. Kidhir, Bashir Mohammed, Adeel H. Suhail, N. Ismail (2012) “Investigating the Influence of Approach Angle for Ceramic Cutting Tools on Chip Formation During Turning” Volume 37, Number 3, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering April 2012, Volume 37, Issue 3, pp 793-802.Yassin Mustafa Ahmed, Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sahari, Mahadzir Ishak, Basim Ali Khidhir; (2014) “Titanium and its Alloy, International Journal of Science and Research” (IJSR), (ISSN: 1991-8178), Vol. 3, Issue 10.
Electronics and Communication
Dr. Nizar Al Bassam
Dr. Nizar has teaching and industry experience of over 14 years. His research interest includes spread spectrum and chaos-based communications. He received his Ph.D. from Al-Nahrain University, IRAQ. His publication profile includes 11 articles as the first author in indexed journal and conferences. He worked in SF international Company before joining Middle East College in May 2010.
Recent Publications: Nizar Al Bassam and Oday Jerew, “Design and Implementation of a Chaotic Scheme in Additive White Gaussian Noise Channel,” Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, vol. 2016, Article ID 5976282, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/5976282.
2. Nizar Albassam , Sumesh E P, Muhammed Bashir, ‘An Efficient DCSK: A Real Time Simulation for Future Chaotic Communications,’ ISBN: -978-1-5090-1365-4, 10.1109/ICBDSC.2016.7460335, IEEE explore, March 2016.
3. M.Ganesan and E.P.Sumesh, ‘Evaluating the Force of Contraction of Heart using Ballistocardiogram,’ International conference Big data and smart city 2016, 10.1109/ICBDSC.2016.7460371, IEEE explore, March 2016.
4. Nizar Naji Albassam , Sumesh Eratt Parameswaran, Vidhya Lavanya Ramachandran, ‘A Threshold Enhancement Technique for Chaotic On-Off Keying Scheme’, Signal Processing: An International Journal (SPIJ), volume. 9 Issue .3, July2015, pp. 25-45.
5. M.Ganesan and E.P.Sumesh, ‘Analysis of Ballistocardiogram with Multiwavelets in Evaluation of Cardiac Fitness,’ Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (E-ISSN 1817-3195 / ISSN 1992-8645), Volume 77, No.2,pp. 164-170, July 2015
Dr. Shaik Asif Hussain
Dr. Hussain has more than 8 Years of teaching experience in Electronics and Communication Department. He has completed his PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University in India. He has published 1 book, 22 journals, and 26 conference papers in the areas of his research. Dr. Asif has received a Research grant from All India Council of Technical Education (A.I.C.T.E), India under Research Promotion Scheme. Dr. Asif received Certificate of Excellence from Texas Instruments for Analog Maker Design Contest. He is a member of various renowned professional bodies of ISTE, IE, ASDF, and CSTA. Some of his research publications are:
- i. “An Intelligent Frame work system for finger touch Association on planar surfaces” Springer Lecture notes in Electrical Engineering Volume 394, PP 185-191, November 2016.
Available at: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-981-10-1540-3_19 “Robot Manipulator with a tactile sensor for object Recognition in Industrial welding process” International Journal of control theory and Applications, Scopus Indexed, Volume 9, Issue 17 , pp. 8373-8381 ,SJR 0.53,H- Index: 9,October 2016. Available at: http://www.serialsjournals.com/serialjournalmanager/pdf/1476432047.pdf iii.” A Real Time Video Colorization Method with Gabor Feature Space” International Journal of Engineering Research and Application (IJERA), Vol.5 Issue 3(Part-I), PP-183- 187, March 2015 Available at: http://www.ijera.com/papers/Vol5_issue3/Part%20-%201/AH50301183187.pdf iv. “OTSU’s Thresholding with Back Projection Modeling for Neural Network Data Sets” International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 7, PP.53-60, Impact Factor. 0.722 , June 2014. Available at: http://www.mecs-press.org/ijigsp/ijigsp-v6-n7/IJIGSP-V6-N7-7.pdf “A novel Feature Selection mechanism for medical image retrieval system” International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology(IJAET), Volume 6 Issue 3, pp. 1283-1298,Impact factor: 2.76. July 2013. Available at: http://www.e-ijaet.org/media/30I15-IJAET0715549_v6_iss3_1283to1298.pdf
Dr. Sumesh Eratt Parameswaran
He is having 20 years and 6 months of teaching experience. He is actively involved in research in the field of Digital Signal Processing and Communication engineering. He has completed his PhD from NIT Calicut, India, a premiere institute in India. He received the EMECW research grant for his post-doctoral research in the year 2010 in Aalto University, Finland which is ranked as one of the top university in Europe. He has published 20 research papers in reputed Journals and conferences. He served as guest editor for two special issues published by Elsevier and Springer publishers.
Some of his recent publications are given below:
1. Haritha C, Ganesan M and Sumesh E P, ‘A Survey on Modern Trends in ECG Noise Removal Techniques,’ The International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing TechnologiesICCPCT-2016, IEEE Explore, Doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICCPCT.2016.7530192.
Publications:Frank, A. and Brenner, E. “An Algorithm for Variability Identification by Selective Targeting,” in International Journal on Advances in Networks and Services vol 6 no 1&2, (2013), S. 27 – 36. Frank, A. and Brenner, E. “Variability Identification by Selective Targeting of Significant Nodes,” in ICCGI 2012: The 7th international multi-conference on computing in global information technology, (2012), S. 148 - 153. Frank, A. and Brenner, E. “A Generic Approach For The Identification Of Variability,” in ENASE 2012: 7th Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, (2012), S. 167-172. Frank, A. and Brenner, E. “Model-based variability management for complex embedded networks,” in ICCGI 2010: The 5th international multi-conference on computing in global information technology, (2010), S. 305 - 309. Frank, A. and Brenner, E. “Strategy for modeling variability in configurable software,” in PDES 2010: The 10th IFAC workshop on Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems, (2010), S. 88 – 91.
Dr. Anilloy Frank
His research/consultancy interests include embedded system design and Industry Automation
He has a well-balanced experience, 13 years in industry and 12 years of teaching experience in Electronics and Telecommunication department. Dr. Anilloy is associated with several industries and academic institutions as visiting consultant/teacher. Dr. Anilloy was awarded PhD in Electronics Engineering from Graz University of Technology, Austria. He has also coauthored a Patent. He has ECQA Functional safety manager (SafEUr) certification in automotive electrical and electronics. He is working with Middle East College since year 2015. Dr. Anilloy is a member of ISTE. He has numerous publications in conferences and journal.
Research interests include:Designing and developing a pervasive system that encompasses several domains, largely into model-based variability management systems for E/E embedded software with functional safety analysis that adheres to ISO 26262 standards and meet AUTOSAR standards in a hybrid vehicle ecosystem. Developing hybrid non-conventional energy system Requirements management for Generative approaches to enable Model based software architectures to handle the complexity of application domains for Mobile Grid (and Cloud) Computing. Pursue of proposal titled Automating Chartered Flights Logistics and Operations (ACFLO). The project is envisaged from the complex processes in the operations of chartered flights in real-time. It involves aircraft scheduling and logistics, flight booking, crew roster, and route management which is innovative and ample scope for research and patents. Involving in activities of standardizations and certifications.Nizar N. Albassam, Oday D. Jerew, Design of an Efficient Correlation Delay Shift Keying Scheme for Chaos Based Communications”, European Modelling Symposium EMS2015, Madrid, 6 - 8 October 2015..(IEEE Xplore Digital Library).Nizar N. Al bassam, Sumesh Eratt Parameswaran, Vidhya Lavanya Ramachandran, “A Threshold Enhancement Technique for Chaotic On-Off Keying Scheme, International Journal (SPIJ) of Signal Processing: ISSN (Online) - 1985-2339, Vol 9, No3, 2015.Nizar N. Al Bassam, Sumesh Eratt Parameswaran, Muhammad Bashir, “An Efficient DCSK: A Real Time Simulation for Future Chaotic Communications”. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC2016), Oman, Muscat, 2016. (IEEE Xplore Digital Library). Oday D. Jerew, Nizar N. Al Bassam,” Energy Aware and Delay-Tolerant Data Gathering in Sensor Networks with a Mobile Sink”. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC2016), Oman, Muscat, 2016. (IEEE Xplore Digital Library).
Mathematics and Applied Science
Dr. Zlatinka Kovacheva
PhD (Year 1987) from Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria.
Dr. Zlatinka Kovacheva has more than 30 years’ experience in teaching, industrial and research. She participated in more than 30 scientific research projects implemented in practice- project leader of 8 of them.
Area of expertise: mathematical modeling, mathematical linguistics, graph theory, numerical methods, data processing and management, on-line analytical processing (OLAP), neural networks, data mining.
Dr. Zlatinka Kovacheva has more than 60 publications. She participated in more than 20 international conferences –member of the program committees of 6 of them. There are more than 200 citations of her publications.
Key publications:Zlatinka Kovacheva, Application of Data Mining Techniques to the Students Advising and the Course Plan Construction, Proceedings of Fifth International Conference Information Systems & Grid Technologies, May 27 - 28 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 9-20 (http://ci.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/isgt/images/ISGT11contents.pdf) ii. Haydar Akça, Valéry Covachev and Zlatinka Covacheva, Impulsive Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with S-type distributed delays and discrete reaction-diffusion terms, in: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace & Sciences 6, Recent Advances in Dynamics and Control of Neural Networks, E. Kaslik and S. Sivasundaram (eds.), Cambridge Scientific Publishers, 2012 iii. Haydar Akça, Valéry Covachev and Zlatinka Covacheva, Discrete-time counterparts of impulsive Hopfield neural networks with leakage delays, Differential and Difference Equations with Applications, S. Pinelas, M. Chipot and Z. Došla (eds.), Springer Proceedings in Math. & Stat. 47, Springer Science+Business Media, New York, 2013, pp. 335-342. iv. Zl. Kovacheva, I. Naydenova, K. Kaloyanova, Kr. Markov, Big Data Mining: In-Database Oracle Data Mining over Hadoop, The Sixth Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences, ICNAAM 2016, 19-25 September, 2016, Rhodes, Greece v.Haydar Akça, Eadah Al-Zahrani, Valéry Covachev and Zlatinka Covacheva, Existence theorem for a second-order impulsive functional-differential equation with a nonlocal condition, Journal of nonlinear and convex Analysis, Volume 17, Volume 17, pp. 1129-1136.
Dr. C. Sudhagar, Assistant Professor,
Ph. D. (2013) in Mathematics, India.
Dr. Sudhagar has 20 years of teaching experience in the field of mathematics at masters and bachelor level. He has had 8 research papers published in the journals and conferences of national and international repute. He has also authored a book.
Area of expertise: Fuzzy Number Computations, Operations Research, Creating E-Learning materials for the students.
Key Publications:C. Sudhagar and K. Ganesan, "Fuzzy Integer Linear Programming with Fuzzy Decision Variables", Applied Mathematical Sciences, 4(70), pp.~3493--3502, 2010. C. Sudhagar and K. Ganesan, “A Fuzzy approach to student answer script evaluation”, Proc. International conference on Applied Information Communications Technology, Allied Publishers, Oman, 2011. C. Sudhagar and K. Ganesan, “Fuzzy Performance Appraisal System”,CiiT International Journal of Artificial Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning”, 3 (10), pp. 652-657, 2011. C. Sudhagar and K. Ganesan, “On some characteristics of fuzzy number ranking methods”, National conference on Mathematical techniques and applications, Allied publishers, New Delhi, 2012. C. Sudhagar and K. Ganesan, “A Fuzzy approach to transport Optimization problems”, International Journal of Optimization and Engineering, Vol.17(4),(2016), pp: 965-980. ISSN: 1389-4420. Rajneesh Kumar and Rajani Rani Gupta, (2009), “Thermomechanical interactions in an orthotropic micropolar thermoelastic solid due to sources”. International Journal of Thermophysics (IJT), vol. 30, No. 2, 693-709. Rajneesh Kumar and Rajani Rani Gupta, (2010), Reflection of waves in transversely isotropic micropolar thermoelastic half-space. Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, Volume 18, Number 4, 1-22. Rajneesh Kumar and Rajani Rani Gupta, (2010), Propagation of waves in micropolar transversely isotropic generalized thermoelastic half space. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 37, 1452-1458. Rajneesh Kumar and Rajani Rani Gupta, (2012), “Plane wave reflection in micropolar transversely isotropic generalized thermoelastic half-space”. Mathematical sciences, 6(6). Rajani Rani Gupta and Raj Rani Gupta (2016), “Plane wave reflection in micropolar transversely isotropic thermo-visco-elastic half space under GN type-II and type-III”, International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR), ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-5, Issue-3, page 108-115.
Dr. Rajani Rani Gupta, Assistant Professor
Ph. D. (2012) in Mathematics, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.
M.Sc. (2005), B. Sc. (2003) Mathematics, University of Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Dr. Rajani completed a PGCERT offered by Coventry University in 2014. She has 7 years of teaching experience in the field of mathematics at masters and bachelor level. She has 28 research papers published in the journals and conferences of international repute. She serves on the review panel for various international and national journals. She has also attended various national level workshops and presented papers at the national and international conferences.
Area of expertise: Micropolar Elasticity involving the effects of thermoelasticity, Viscoelasticity, Initial stress, rotation.
Key Publications:
Dr. R. D. Senthil Kumar, Assistant Professor
Ph. D (Year 2003) in Physics from Annamalai University, India.
Dr. Senthil has seventeen years of experience in academia. Dr. Senthil has reviewed the research articles of various journals including the British Journal of Appl. Science & Technology and also acted as an External Examiner to adjudicate the Ph. D theses. He has authored seventeen research articles and published/presented in various international journals and conferences and has also acted as an External Examiner to adjudicate Ph. D theses. He serves as a Fellow of International Congress on Chemistry and Environment.
Area of expertise: FTIR, NMR, and Gamma ray Spectral Analysis, Environmental Radiation, Humic Acid analysis, and ICT in Physics Education. He has diverse interest in using ICT tools in teaching Physics, Mathematics and Statistics subjects. He has expertise in preparing digital lessons in SCORM Packages for self-study materials and Flip Teaching.
Key Publications:Senthilkumar, R. (2017). Concept Maps in Teaching Physics Concepts Applied to Engineering Education: An explorative Study at the Middle East College, Sultanate of Oman. EDUCON 2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education. Senthilkumar, & Narayanaswamy. (2016). Assessment of radiological hazards in the industrial effluent disposed soil with statistical analyses. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences, 9(4), 449 – 456. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jrras.2016.07.002 Senthilkumar, R. (2016). ICT enabled Situated Learning Model in the development of metacognitive skills. IJESIT, 5(1), 76-80 (2016). Senthilkumar, Narayanaswamy, & Meenakshisundaram. (2012). Radioactivity in the industrial effluent disposed soil. EPJ Web of Conferences 24, 06007 (2012) http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/20122406007. Senthilkumar, & Narayanaswamy. (2002). Spectro-Chemical analysis of sugar factory effluent and the adjacent groundwater. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, Vol. 22. No.7: 746-749 (2002).
Management Studies
Dr. Ali Salem Omar, Associate. Prof., Department of Management Studies
Started his career as a faculty, then shifted to become an Education Project officer funded by France, China; Japan; Kuwait etc. for the benefit of Djibouti, from 1993 to 2000. Dr Ali SALEM has then worked for UNDP as a Project officer from 2000-2002 where the program aimed at fighting poverty, drugs consumption, HIV/AIDS etc. He was also in charge of liaison between UNDP and government representatives to promote shared understanding of expectations, negotiating funding contracts in compliance with UNDP policies.
He has taught Economic Development in Belgium, University of Brussels from where he got his Ph. D in International Development. He has conducted research and attended seminars for best practices from 2002 to 2008. He then moved to Canada to teach Micro/Macroeconomics, Marketing, Project and Operations management, at the Department of Economics, Business and Administration, La Cité collégiale, Ottawa. He gained experience in running consultancy services for a few organizations in Brussels and Ottawa. His research/consultancy interests mainly include Entrepreneurship, Business Growth Strategy, International Management and Project management.
Since October 2015, he has been teaching at Middle East College, in Muscat, Oman, on varied topics such as International Management, Strategic Management, GCC Economic Environment, Omani Business Environment Studies, and Business Economics etc. He is now taking a PG Cert. from Coventry University (2017).
Key Publications:SALEM, A., & Pandow, B. A. (2017). Evaluating Readiness of New Educated Generation to Start Businesses in Oman (ongoing research….) SALEM, A. (2014). The Impact of Wages Freeze on Quebec Economy. Business and Administration College Book: Economy, Ottawa, 63-99. SALEM, A. (2013). Glance at Yemenis NGOs and Their Contribution to Development. Business and Administration College Book: Economy, Ottawa, 17-41. SALEM, A. (2011). Immigrants women’s participation in Ontario GDP. The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs Journal: Economy, Ottawa, 45-90. SALEM, A. (2010) Action Plan Review for the Least Developed Countries», Telfer-Ottawa Business School Journal: Social Development, Ottawa, 27-72.
Dr. Deena R, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies
Doctorate in Commerce (International Business), Masters in Foreign Trade, e-MBA( Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Dr.Deena R has a teaching experience of 17 years and is into teaching Logistics and Supply chain at the under graduate and Post Graduate level. With a research experience of 5 years, she has guided more than 100 postgraduate projects and other research projects. She is associated with Middle East College for the past two years. She is a member of the MMA, Chennai, India.
Areas of Expertise:
Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Procurement, Warehouse Design, Human Resources
Research PublicationsDeena R (2012), Insight , CASSR, Malaysia E freight- The paperless world of Air Cargo - "A boon to Indian Air Cargo industry, 2012, December Deena R (2013), Insight , CASSR, Malaysia, Analysis of the infrastructure at Air Cargo Complex Coimbatore, 2013, December Deena R (2013), ZIBEMR Volume 3 issue8, Zenith Publication, Online journal Zenith Publications, (Online Journal),2013, August Deena R (2015), International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 6 (2015) pp. 13877-13886 © Research India Publications, http://www.ripublication.com,Passengers Level of Satisfaction on Operational Aspects of Infrastructure - (With Special Reference To Coimbatore Airport)
Research Paper which is still work in progress:
Analysing supply chain practices in Oman versus global best practices (doing this research with two other researchers, one an Omani academic at Middle East College, Sultanate of Oman, in the same department and one an Omani industrialist and CEO of a leading Oman logistics firm).
Dr. Maria Teresa Matriano, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies
Doctor in Business Administration (Year 2014), Letran College, Philippines
Dr. Maria, being an academician for twenty years has been involved both in university / collegiate teaching, and research writing and publication. She has also served as a School Administrator for twenty years drafting academic policies while doing collaboration with members of higher education. Dr. Maria has expertise in teaching Entrepreneurship, Business Organization and Strategic Management, dissertation writing and basic business modules. She recently acquired certification from Oman SME-MOHE as a Certified Entrepreneur Educator.
Key Publications:Matriano, M. G.(2015). Social Entrepreneurship in the Global Market Considering the 21stBusiness Challenges, Strategies and Social Responsibility. SOCIONT 2016- 3rd International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, Istanbul Turkey, 23-26th May 2016. Matriano, M.G. (2016). International Business Transformation in the Age of Mobile Innovation.” Waljat College of Applied Sciences International Conclave on Innovations in Engineering & Management (Oman Vision 2020: Opportunities & Challenges), 24-25 February 2016. Matriano, M.G. (2015). Entering the Emerging Markets in the Globalization Era: A Case of UAEs International Business. Skyline University College- 3rd International Conference on Business & Management in Connected Era. 17-19th November 2015. Matriano, M.G. et al (2016).The Expatriates Pull Factors in Gulf Cooperation Council Countries. International Journal for Business & Management. Matriano, M. G. (2015) Advances in Higher Education for Global Citizenship of Omani Current Practices and Contemporary Issues.
Mr. Faustino Taderera, Senior Lecturer, Department of Management Studies
MBA (Year 2000) in International Marketing from Buckinghamshire Chilterns University, UK. PhD (ABD) Asia E-University, Malaysia.
Mr. Faustino has a diversified cumulative work experience of over 15 years in academia and 18 years in industry at senior management level, having served in key positions in Higher Education, International Development Consultancy, Exports, Procurement, Supply Chain Management. He has provided consultancy services to the European Union, World Bank, MNCs and African Governments and is an A Category Consultant with the European Union. Faustino is an ITC (of WTO), Geneva, Switzerland Strategic Network member in Zimbabwe and Oman. He has published extensively in journals and conferences.
Area of expertise: United Nations, European Union and World Bank Trade Policy Consultant, International Marketing, Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Current areas of research are: Supply chain, Logistics Clusters, Exports, Higher education service delivery and strategic fit with industry requirements, and finally leadership and change management in higher education.
Key Publications:Al-Nabhani,S., Taderera, F. and Karedza, G. (2013). An analysis of national export development planning and management in Oman for international competitiveness; lessons for Zimbabwe and other SADC countries. Presented at International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAZ) International Conference in Munich, Germany from 23-26 June 2013. Published in IJAZ Journal 2(2):459-478 (2013). Taderera, F. and Chinakidzwa, M. (2013). Towards supply chain excellence as a strategic tool for international competitiveness amongst nations and companies – the Case for the Sultanate of Oman, the GCC and Zimbabwe. Management Guru: Journal of Management Research, Vol. 2(1), 2319-2429. Al-Nabhani,S., Taderera, F. and Karedza, G. (2013). Exploring entrepreneurship and SMEs in Oman: opportunities, challenges, realities and pitfalls. Presented at the International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAZ) international conference at the University of London, in London, UK, November 5-8, 2013. Also published in their IJAZ Journal ISSN 2158-1479, Vol. 3(1), 379-390. Taderera, F., Al-Nabhani, S., Bhandari, V., SundarKirubakaran, P., Al Rahbi, H.H., Karedza, G. Sikwila, M. and Sundaram, S. (2014). Marketing excellence: myth or reality in Oman. Presented at the International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) international conference at Harvard University, USA, from 26-30 May, 2014. Published in IJAZ Vol. 07(4), 195-206, ISSN: 1944-6934. Taderera, F., Al-Nabhani, S.K.M. and Somasundaram, B. (2015). Analysing innovative practices for Oman International firms to excel on global markets and networking and linking with higher education. Presented at the Academy of Business and Retail Management (ABRM) Conference, Italy. Also published in their journal same year.
Dr. Gbenga Ekundayo, Senior Lecturer, Department of Management Studies
Ph.D. Accounting (Year 2016), Igbinedion University, Nigeria.
Dr. Gbenga has a diversified cumulative work experience of 15 years in academia in Nigeria and the Sultanate of Oman. He has published research articles on Corporate Finance, Human Resource Accounting, Taxation, Auditing, Taxation and Banking.
Key Publications:Ekundayo, G and Atu., O. (2014) “ Human Resource Accounting and Corporate Performance .Empirical Evidence from Nigeria. Accounting Frontier.5 (3). Ekundayo, G, Agbo, S and Ozele (2014). Human Resource Accounting and Organizational Performance. Empirical Evidence from Quoted companies in Nigeria. Journal of Global Accounting.3 (2). Ekundayo and Atu , O(2015). Determinants of Audit Expectation Gap in Nigeria. An Overview. Accounting Frontier.6 (1). Ekundayo, G and Odhigu, F (2016). Determinants of Human capital accounting in Nigeria. Igbinedion University Journal of Accounting. Ekundayo, G and Akhor, S (2016). The impact of Indirect Tax on Revenue on Economic Growth. The Nigeria Experience. Igbinedion University Journal of Accounting
Dr. Aaron Paul M. Pineda, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies
Masters in Human Resource management (2009) Iligan Medical Center College;
Masters in Business Administration (2014) Torrens University Australia – Chifley Business School
Doctor in Human Resource Management (2011) University of San Jose-Recoletos
Doctor in Business Administration (2017) University of San Jose-Recoletos
Dr. Aaron is a passionate and a collaborative educator. He had 10 years of successful teaching experience in both undergraduate and graduate studies in different countries namely the Philippines, Kingdom of Bahrain, United Arab Emirates and Sultanate of Oman. He has published research articles on Higher Education Practice, Total Quality Management and Human Resource Management. He has also wide industry experience specifically in sales and marketing, recruitment, training & development.
Research Presentations and Publications:Pineda, AP & Maata RR. (2017), “The Use of Game-based Technology in Higher Education to Enrich Students’ Learning Experiences” 4th Conference on Oman Quality Network in Higher Education, Oman Tourism College, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. March 21, 2017. Pineda, AP & Nihan KI. (2017), “The Internationalization of Higher Education: Transformation Strategies of the Middle East College into a Total Quality Education” 4th Conference on Oman Quality Network in Higher Education, Oman Tourism College, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. March 22, 2017 Pineda, AP (2016), “The Expatriates Pull Factors in Gulf Cooperation Council Countries” Science Journal of Business and Management. December 2016 Issue, Science Publishing Group, Fashion Avenue., New York, 1008, United States of America, ISSN: 2331-0626 (Print); ISSN: 2331-0634 (Online). Pineda, AP, Matriano, M., Bernal E., Gbenga, U. (2016), “Social Entrepreneurship in the Global Market Considering the 21st Century Business Challenges, Strategies and Social Responsibilities” 3rdInternational Conference on Education, Social Sciences, and Humanities., 23-25th May, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN 978-605-64453-7-8. Pineda, AP and Maderazo, MA. (2016), “The E-Waste Management in the Public Sector: The Case of Bahrain”, American Research Journal for Business and Management, Chicago Illinois, USA, Volume 2016, pp 1-7, ISSN 2379-1047.